View Full Version : 09. Lateralus

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  1. Lateralus compared to the book "the giver"
  2. This song messes with me... sometimes.
  3. holy interpretation
  4. --Kind of ironic...--
  5. Unicursal Hexagram
  6. the fountain
  7. Sorry, but was not sure where to post this...
  8. My visual interpretation of the song
  9. Lateralus explained in one paragraph
  10. interpretation of the album, lateralus
  11. I don't want to sound like a druggy, BUT!
  12. dextromethorphan, ketamine, etc.
  13. General feelings for this kick ass song
  14. my personal interpretation (essay length. sorry.)
  15. Fibonacci Sequence in the Lateralus booklet?
  16. Cannibalism
  17. Split Persona's
  18. My take on it...
  19. last album??
  20. My 2 cents
  21. Separating the body and mind.
  22. Kind of a rip off, but cut me some slack
  23. lateralus or lateralis?
  24. The Idea of Lateralis
  25. Latralus The Album In General
  26. weep like a widow
  27. the spiral
  28. lateralus
  29. Lateralus = Mushrooms
  30. Weaveworld
  31. Tech song
  32. .over thinking.
  33. lateralus
  34. the man in lateralus booklet
  35. ...No limits...
  36. Hidden secrets?
  37. the basics
  38. Favorite Songs of this Album?
  39. Passion in Learning
  40. Lateralus Defined
  41. sudden change
  42. Native American color scheme?
  43. Reformatted Reality
  44. Maturity
  45. We all relapse sometimes?
  46. The Tool Radio Station in Northern Cali
  47. Lateralus and Lazarus
  48. help me out
  49. The words of Thoth
  50. The colour of Lateralus
  51. this should probably be on the general Lateralus forum...
  52. Concert Memoir
  53. Lateralus
  54. consciousness expansion
  55. adding on to the canabalism thing that was closed
  56. the background
  57. shrooms
  58. Time Signature
  59. Live Intro
  60. meditation
  61. Contact
  62. (The Song) Lateralus-diary of a Wizard of Oz/Dark Side of the Moon trip
  63. Mushrooms and Maynard
  64. shallowness
  65. Pain in my head while listening....
  66. More Hidden Voices
  67. connections to the album artwork
  68. is this song exceptionally bad ass?
  69. Black,White,Yellow,Red !
  70. And Still Be A Human
  71. counting
  72. Crystal Ball...
  73. life
  74. Lateralus and Pi
  75. Zen and the Art of Overanalyzing
  76. Lateralus live in Birmingham,England
  77. what you all have failed to realize
  78. XFiles connection
  79. Suburban Clones
  80. Lateralus vs. Third Eye
  81. (un)Official TDN Forum Rules!
  82. anti-racism??
  83. adam and eve II
  84. Subliminal Message?!
  85. I invite everyone to swing on the spiral
  86. New thought.
  87. spiral?
  88. meeting maynard
  89. Someone said Tool didn't make Lateralus (BS)
  90. Lateralus and Drugs
  91. easier than it looks, more complicated than you think, i guess.
  92. Urging me to cross the line?
  93. Live intro (again)
  94. dumb question
  95. mmmm beefy
  96. Colors
  97. I've got the SECRETS TO LATERALUS
  98. my 1st post
  99. speeling questshuns
  100. writing lyrics at school
  101. Magick?
  102. So sick of hearing this...
  103. Lateralus Song Riff-- Musical Reference
  104. I've got the SECRETS TO LATERALUS pt.2
  105. <sigh>
  106. the radio hack of this song
  107. The "subliminal" message..
  108. overthinking
  109. James Redfield??????
  110. In a big nutshell
  111. auras
  112. Auras
  113. tool tribute, by me
  114. can someone please tell me what a lateralus is?
  115. kareoke
  116. under a differnt light
  117. Dual voices in the beginning of the song
  118. Drugs
  119. just another idea
  120. Alus, anagram for Saul
  121. spiral dynamics
  122. TooL & The Spirit of Cannabis
  123. Be careful about intuition
  124. ride the spiral
  125. Evolution & Music
  126. Another view
  127. just a thought
  128. My God, I LOVE Lateralus' climax...
  129. Spiral
  130. Do what thou wilt...
  131. ya know...
  132. Anyone know what key this song is in?
  133. Spiral Out
  134. The beginning of life.
  135. the overthinking thing
  136. You have GOT to see this website!!
  137. Favourites
  138. eh
  139. !
  140. my opinion
  141. My thoughts
  142. Meaning of the word Lateralus/lateralis
  143. Lateralis
  144. Music...
  145. Asrar-e-Khudi
  146. Explained?
  147. Greek
  148. holy crap! Lateralus Backwords!!
  149. This is the lateralus
  150. Fibonacci sequence
  151. As above, so below
  152. Selecting a faith?
  153. the Musical structure
  154. For those of you who haven't heard the ending live..
  155. lateralus-conflict?
  156. Astral Dynamics
  157. Flippin' A this song rocks...
  158. pi and lateralus
  159. ye olde golden ratio
  160. evolution of tool
  161. Time sigs
  162. i'm probably dumb but...
  163. The begining
  164. Life is Full of Colors, It's up to U.
  165. Dispensing with the tree of life
  166. swing down the spiral
  167. Spontaneous human combustion
  168. Severed
  169. Lateralus is about finding balance
  170. Read this
  171. Fibonacci sequence-numerology
  172. The Matrix and Evolution
  173. DMT, Freud, alpha waves, Dionysus...
  174. Polar unity spiral
  175. Over-thinking, over-analyzing...
  176. Lateralus
  177. golden rectangle
  178. What do you think about Aaliyah
  179. Flesh and spirit
  180. terence McKenna
  181. The lyric poem of Tool
  182. 5 = 6
  183. Spirals
  184. bathe in the fountain (hecate)?
  185. nigredo-albedo-rubedo-citrinas
  186. Transcending this world?
  187. My take
  188. Birth
  189. Mind And Body
  190. the golden spiral
  191. Lateralus doesn't have a big meaning...
  192. Two Spirals
  193. thought process + music = laturalus
  194. Spiral out...
  195. conclusion
  196. thought process
  197. Your favourite Latalbum song or tool song?
  199. Drugs...
  200. More on the Golden Spiral
  201. The Giver
  202. Inspiration and Awakening
  203. New Thought/Compilation
  204. The Eureka Phenomenon
  205. Another Spiral Theory
  206. As above so below.
  207. Uzumaki
  208. Neurology
  209. Intro Sample
  210. Lateralus tab
  211. Lateralus live in Wilkes Barre (9-24-01)
  212. LateralIs
  213. learned the meaning tonight on dmt
  214. Final new thread by me...
  215. Possible lateralus connection to psychedelic drugs?
  216. fibonacci sequence in maynard's verse
  217. 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987
  218. Tool and fibonachi sequence
  219. My Theory on what Tool is working on
  220. Black, White, Red, and Yellow
  221. Maynard's Feelings Towards Music
  222. distinction between child and adulthood
  223. Illuminati
  224. Meaning
  225. the best tool song?
  226. Lateralus 5/12/02 Brixton Academy
  227. "As Below, So Above" In reference to the following
  228. Lateralus - Communicating
  229. The story Behind Lateralus......
  230. Fibonacci sequence, what the hell?
  231. My Interpretation of Lateralus
  232. Lateralis track spelling:
  233. Doom 3 Theme (Tweaker) and Lateralus
  234. La Te Ra Lu S
  235. My simple interpretation
  236. Meaning....???
  237. what the bleep
  238. Does anyone know the name of the effect...
  239. More spiral in Lateralus... don't know if has been noticed before
  240. So this is what i think
  241. Similiar but different thought
  242. As Below So Above
  243. Has anyone ever noticed....?
  244. the spiral
  245. Astral Projection
  246. Nothing more than Fibonacci Sequence?
  247. Just heard the radio edit
  248. I've got it!
  249. Online Danny Video
  250. My Thoughts