View Full Version : Zen and the Art of Overanalyzing

01-17-2003, 07:33 PM
When I first listened to the album, I soon found out that it was aptly titled by this song because I felt it was the best on the cd. As I listened I was flooded with imagery especially in the begining, it's almost like witnessing what a human conception/growth would sound like, the drums are an omnipresent heart beat throughout the song. Then it speaks of colors and how we develop sight of color from infancy, this reminded me of the psychological theory of how our perception of individuality changes after a certain age, usually early toddlerhood. Before that we have no distinction of self....the "I" emerges or sense of self......"Red and yellow then came to be.". I study buddhist philosphy and my interpetation of "overthinking/overanalyzing" is that it takes from direct experience of Being and/ or "separates the body from the mind". With this separation our awareness is lacking. Amongst the philosophical tapestry of this song is woven the divinity of sound/celebration of life, and the sacred spiral or what I inutuit to be the double helix/DNA, our heritage as humans. Lateralus seems to embody what the poet Farenghetti called " A Perpetual Rebirth of Wonder". This album has been a source of inspiration, an impetous for deeper contemplation, a good trip sound track, and an ongoing series of artistic inerpetations of mine, I'm glad they wrote this.