View Full Version : Fibonacci sequence-numerology

10-21-2003, 11:27 PM
Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202 (a.d.).-Created a secuence that`s been fascinating mathematicians for many genarations.Each number in the sequence is generated by adding the previous two, which produces a string of numbers like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987. To arrive at each number of the series, you simply add the two numbers that came before it. And so each number of the series is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. In nature, you see many patterns which displays numbers from this sequence e.g. pineapples, flowers, conk shells, pine cones (hmmm...), etc. What I get from the sequence is the relation of a ratio (Phi) which has fixed spatial constraints on biological organisms. And so you see the pattern repeat itself again and again because of these spatial constraints.
This is all from an intevew with maynard at http://www.cdicarlo.com/paper_04maynard.htm

Now look at this.The whole song is written on that Fibonacci guy`s pattern:

1 (Black)
1 (then)
2 (white are)
3 (all I see)
5 (in my in-fan-cy.)
8 (red and yel-low then came to be),
5 (reach-ing out to me.)
3 (lets me see.)

It keeps on growing through the song

You should read the whole intervew.It is posted here on this side but i don`t know why Kabir decidet to cut it a bit...

10-22-2003, 08:16 PM
just to let you know, the whole fibonacci sequence in lateralus has been posted and talked about a thousand times now, but yea thanks for posting the link to the interview

10-27-2003, 04:06 PM

if anyone is interested