View Full Version : meditation

12-16-2002, 11:41 PM
I've been reading a lot of posts about higher states of consciousness induced by drugs. A lot of people reply saying that meditation is far mor benificial. That poses one questions. How do you do it or where can a person learn how to meditate?

12-18-2002, 12:52 PM
Find a good yoga or martial arts school (kung fu and/or taiji/quigong), with a good teacher, and learn how to meditate under this teachers DIRECT supervision.

12-18-2002, 06:50 PM
hey, just hop on the net, brother, and have a search . . .

the internet is rife with information regarding this subject . . .

have fun . . .

peace and blessed be . . .

crow011 . . .

12-20-2002, 04:54 AM
I'd say simply use the net to get informed about styles of meditation, but NOT to learn it. That needs DIRECT supervision, or it may be EXTREMELY dangerous.

the reverend
12-20-2002, 05:03 AM
Theres always the good ol' library too. I dont think meditation is the sort of thing that needs direct supervision as long as you dont take it too far, where it can then be dangerous.

12-21-2002, 02:19 AM
How can it be dangerious??? I've been reading a few things on simple ways of meditating, it was actually something I've already done, kinda figured it out on my own, how can it be dangerious though?

12-21-2002, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by the reverend
I dont think meditation is the sort of thing that needs direct supervision as long as you dont take it too far, where it can then be dangerous.

Really? Tell that to people that have been rendered impotent, insane or even dead. Even in beginners meditation, someone may have experiences that defy reality. Without proper guidance such experiences can get someone institutionalized. Add some breathing techniques, and you may find yourself with a ruptured testicle or two. And that's IF you don't just die doing something you're not supposed to do at your level.

Meditation is NOT something that someone does simply cause they think it's "cool, because the guys from TOOL do it", or whatever. It needs deep contemplation, as to what you want to get out of it, and a good search on what exactly fits you personally best, once you've decided you want to do it. When you've found a system that's "right", you got to find a GOOD teacher, who will be able to check on your progress, correct stuff you may be doing wrong, and keeping you safe from harm altogether.

Meditation IS dangerous without proper guidance, and telling people it's not is irresponsible and stupid. Meditation, on the other hand CAN help an individual evolve and develop, but ONLY under direct guidance of a good teacher.

Sorry if I sounded offensive, but I know people who got hurt even with the guidance of a good teacher. So figure out how dangerous it can be without such guidance.

holy reality
12-21-2002, 11:55 AM
Okay, this makes absolutely no sense to me.... how the hell can you get hurt mediatating? Please explain. A ruptured testicle??? How in the world would that happen???? Death?

12-21-2002, 02:42 PM
ruptured testicle? Well... Many meditational systems focus on sperm retention. Do that wrong, and it's bye bye nuts. Also fucking about with your chakras, while NOT following strict guidelines, DOES get people killed.

If you try to open your third eye, without having the appropriate chi voltage in other chakras, leads to chi hitting your brain and moreover, to insanity.

12-22-2002, 02:32 AM
I think that perhaps the body has some kind of natural energy regulation system to prevent overflows,shortouts and that sort of thing. I have tried meditation many times and reached varied states(some with quite high vibrational energy, third eye and other chakras) with only some knowledge
All of my experiences have been enjoyable and inspiring.
Maybe I'm just lucky?
My only advice is to asses your information and use your best judjement.

Trust your intuition.

holy reality
12-22-2002, 07:45 PM
well you may be right...... last night I was meditating and I started feeling really heavy and my chest started hurting pretty badly.... i was getting really deeply into the music but i ended up having to stop..... the pain had something to do with the repetetive breathing I was doing

12-22-2002, 11:39 PM
Try finding a teacher man! Makes things safer. Better safe then sorry huh?

holy reality
12-23-2002, 07:01 PM
i found out it was because i had the top of my blanket resting on my chest and since i was all tranced out it just seemed extra heavy on me, because last night it was around my neck and my chest was fine but the neck bothered me.... so nothing major there

12-30-2002, 02:53 PM
just do w/e u want . just turn on sum tool and sit down by urself and don think of anything for a while. or drink sum S-tea. just clear ur head for a while and u will later start thinking of the things that are actually inportant. just build a wall of positive around u and block negative. have fun and be care ful