View Full Version : Parabola

  1. This one.... this one is different.
  2. Quite A Trip
  3. For I have seen Gods face
  4. fuck your tattoos.
  5. Cool Video
  6. the apple
  7. the suited men
  8. the most important post on this section...
  9. Hand of Glory
  10. The tendril looking figure...
  11. Meaning of the 'cross' ...
  12. One mind
  13. When Alchemy Becomes Tricky
  14. interesting yet without real significance.
  15. Us and Them
  16. One possibly insignificant detail
  17. tool rip-off...
  18. idea
  19. Interesting theory
  20. Conscience
  21. ~The Last Minute~
  22. A question
  23. More proof to how i believe this song is about sex. the hexagram
  24. Help with the eyebrows
  25. new theory
  26. Reference to Sallinger - the key to the video.
  27. Parabol/a - The Grudge Synch
  28. The Big irrelevant picture
  29. my 3.140902651107 cents
  30. old knowledge , new knowledge
  31. The very end of the video
  32. what THE FUCK are those things at the beginning? . . .
  33. the three men spit
  34. The Stars In The Apple
  35. The two tablets that are smashed....
  36. questions about this vid
  37. Pearl Jamin'
  38. Tricky the Legend
  39. Does anyone really understand this video?
  40. illuminati idea
  41. possible Parable source?
  42. David's Star
  43. 6 point Star
  44. Lateralus/ Parabola
  45. Fuck it!....Where Can I find the Video?
  46. youll probably hate this idea
  47. An Observation...
  48. Not just The Grudge... or am I on drugs?
  49. sneaky buisness men
  50. 2001
  51. Obvious Weird Things
  52. visual aspect of this video
  53. Not one but many
  54. the end of the video
  55. My Interpretation
  56. baloon thing
  57. when did this come out
  58. symbols/lyrics
  59. What the hell is that glass thing?
  60. Kundalini in this video
  61. Perhaps....
  62. Parabola
  63. face-value insight
  64. Who is "Tricky"?
  65. yo!yo!yo!
  66. Hmmz... Funny
  67. Flower Of Life
  68. Flaming Eye
  69. The Philosopher's Stone
  70. I dont get it.
  71. Hail Eris - eve was framed
  72. Something To Consider
  73. Astral Dynamics
  74. Astral Dynamics
  75. the apple is rotten
  76. molecule
  77. Apple from Eden
  78. Creation and Ascention
  79. Question:
  80. A little help
  81. This doesn't seem right...
  82. Bear with me
  83. Those sneaky bald bastards!!!
  84. Rennes-Le-Chateau
  85. Opening sequence...
  86. Word trickery
  87. My stab at things...
  88. Where can i find help?
  89. Hidden word?
  90. about the different coloured eyes at the end
  91. my interpretation
  92. lotus flowers
  93. Something untouched.
  94. Golden mean and OTO double altar(?) Symbology in Parabola
  95. Is this body holding us back?
  96. For Those Who Think Occult Has No Place in this Video...
  97. Parabol/parabola
  98. Relevance
  99. Parabola / Third Eye Connection?
  100. Parabola Video Code??
  101. Falseness of Hath-Yoga-Dissection of human body
  102. Nietzsche and Parabola
  103. Trippy Commentary
  104. video connection
  105. Parabola - Any good screen caps?
  106. DVD Remixes
  107. Parabola - #10 on the greatest metal vids of the 21st century
  108. The Floating Spheres
  109. biggest douche-jello biafra
  110. Paraobla DVD
  111. little tiny bug..
  112. Tricky
  113. my favorite tool video
  114. lectorium
  115. don't like this video
  116. "abençoado" lsd
  117. If you sync up parabola at 2:34 with...
  118. a meaning
  119. hidden stuff?
  120. Bill? what are you doing here?!
  122. worth it?
  123. Anyone notice...?
  124. My nest nude photos
  125. dvd question
  126. Best music video ever.
  127. Parasitic nature of humans
  128. Parasitic nature of humans
  129. Dual audio commentary
  130. Read "Walden" by Thoreau to understand
  131. Parabola Video (new)
  132. cheap jordan shoes
  133. My opinion
  134. Parabol(a) & The Occult
  135. Tool Triad music video
  136. Really accurate video interpretation...
  137. end of parabola video
  138. the apple is rotten
  139. David's Star
  140. Hail Eris - eve was framed
  141. Those sneaky bald bastards!!!
  142. My Semiotic Analysis for university
  143. Snake Poison Glands Resemblance