View Full Version : idea

12-04-2002, 09:34 PM
I had an idea that maybe the little ball or what ever represents the guys ego. But i think the little guy is also representative of something too. The ego crushes what ever the little guy represents. So what i gather is that the key to enlightenment is to crucify the ego as tool states in reflection. If anyone has any ideas about what the little man represents let me know i have some thoughts about it but all inconclusive

12-05-2002, 12:26 AM
At first view i thought the balls represented Death, but then upon further exploration and experience i think more generalized classifications will help in letting people decided what i means to them personally. The ball is bad, and "mr. tricky" has ascended to another level of consciousness, the actual means which were used are left open to question. I think it represents some sort of conflict, whether it be society, death, or the ego. I like your interpretation of ego, it fits well within the proper level of ideas neccessary to gain a higher understanding of things. If we all sacrificed our ego, the possibility of man's thought would be immense. A swirling wonderful mass of positive continued enlightenment. Elsewhere in the video i really enjoy the beginning and ending connections of innerspace and the "spiritual matrix." Need i say, on the ball? I'm poor, here:


12-05-2002, 01:52 AM
Dunno... When I first saw it, I thought of it as the dantien chakra. Overtime it grows and can be the base in order to reach enlightenment. However, many have died, in training to open this chakra. That could possibly be the symbolism, behind the little dude being squished by it...

...maybe not!

12-05-2002, 12:47 PM
you have a link explaining this type of chakra its history and method? It would be interesting and helpful

12-05-2002, 02:47 PM
sorry man no linx here. I know most of these theories from my master. I'm sure most books on Buddhist, Taoist adnd Hindu meditation will have stuff on the chakras. The main idea behind which chakra is which is common in all 3 types of meditation. The methods change.

12-05-2002, 02:49 PM
What I can tell you is that the Dantien, is the chakra located about 2 inches under your navel. That's where chi is "stored".

12-05-2002, 03:24 PM
ya hey I made a thread called Conscience and thats what I thought the little guys was: the guy's conscience. The ball, or (because it keeps getting bigger) collective conscience's will overpowers the will of the little guy and then goes on to try and subduce the big guy to go somewhere. Its all speculation