View Full Version : Parabol/parabola

01-31-2005, 10:48 AM
see the interpretation at www.4degreeshigher.com/parabola.html
for better insight on my interpretation

this is an insightful interpretation, although i do not completely agree with it 100% it is well thought out none the less.......

here's another interpretation, now keep in mind....it is just an interpretation, it's not even neccesaily what i beleive it's about, it's just an idea......remember: believe in nothing.

starting with parabol:
maybe the chubby suit clad men represent a form of sadhus(which is a hindu term for a type of yogi who seeks the universal soul to be absorbed in it, he renounces caste, social position, money, and authority and chooses a straightfoward path to enlightenment.) The sadhu is credited with much of the devolpment of culture, art, achitechture, music, poetry, and literature,(all of which come from thier spiritual quests) influencing and forming the very world he has abandoned. maybe this is how the members of the band view themselves: as spiritual voyagers, documenting thier various expeirences through art. so in essence the chubby men actually represent the guys in the band, the apple is the "forbidden fruit", and possibly represents some form of conscienceness expanding substance. and so...the trip begins.................................

parabola:---the vision induced by the forbidden fruit-----

now alot of his interpretation i will agree with.....primitive tricky, the breaking of the stone, .......tricky is searching for enlightenment,..................but i see the pulsating faced being as possibly not an entirly different being from tricky.....perhaps this is what tricky is evolving from.....or leaving behind.....and as tricky manipulates the atom...it kills this part of him.........or maybe the being is a completely seperate person.....someone who has used the same substance and is on the same voyage but is not having the same visionary success tricky is having........maybe the atom represents the trip.......whatever it may be........"the snake" as jim morrision refered to it......the stream of conscienceness.....the pulsating being was not ready for it and it killed him, where as tricky was actually able to manipulate it..........the glassmagnifier obviously represents the drugs to me........they change him internally....making him more aware, bringing him closer to enlightenment...or so he thinks.....he is then able to manipulate the atom, but as we see the atom can be dangerous if it gets out of control......
after tricky screams at the atom he leaves and goes out into nature, and finds enlightenment there......i see this as him foresaking psychedelics for meditation, a natural form, of conscienceness expansion and ultimately the means of enlightenment for this person.

p.s.----- i am not saying here that i don't believe in the use of substances.....at all.......this is just my interpretation of the film

p.s.s. yes.....i know my name is spelled incorrectly...but i couldn't figure out how to change it.....

nipploleon dynomight
02-04-2005, 09:23 PM
I see every Tool song somewhat as a deep acid trip. It seems as though Tricky walks about the forest on a quest for self-discovery. I had a thought on the alien, maybe it is a part of him that died (in terms of metaphors) after he is somewhat suffocated by the atom, (the atom may represent an expirience that is too overwhelming for him) he examines the part of him that has died off. He acts as if he is questioning, is this bad or good for me? Then dives into a realm of emotions. He learns to manipulate his environment. Then at the end he starts to get into an intense trip. He becomes transparent to himself, and learns from his trip what he must do to become a better person. After ascending, it goes into a huge sequence with geometry. It probably has to do with something about Sacred Geometry, I haven't looked too much into the Sacred Geometry factor of it, but they might relate. Thank you and good night.