View Full Version : Hmmz... Funny

05-26-2003, 10:05 AM
i noticed some funny things in this video

*after about 7.25 in the video you see the black guy his back... notice the shape of the missfited part?...

turn it around and press this link:

see... it looks like almost the same thing...

*and as all noticed (i think) the apple in 3.05 till 3.12... first its 5 points, then 6, and at least 7!

then they come back at 4.04 till 4.08 were the hands make a 7 point star... see...

*then some questions, 3.01 till 3.03 you see the background guy scrubbing his nose... why?

* and around 3.20 you see that flame on his finger, what does this symbolisize?...

any thoughts on this?!