View Full Version : Snake Poison Glands Resemblance

05-28-2015, 09:03 AM
Hell-o, Ι noticed a resemblance between the Parabola music video main character's antenna-like extensions out of his eyebrows-meninges and the poison glands on snakes' bodies.Anatomically it is quite the same two spots- right next to the eyes for each of the active two poisonous teeth in that case.

I wouldn't know if there is a connection, of course the venom is a killing tool, a way for the snake το anesthetize its pray so it can eat it easilly, continue being here, alive etc.

On the other hand, poison is found to be a way for treating illneses that human race doesn't even know how to follow, as a processed product not by humans, but as antivenom off the immune system of horses I think.A powerfull cocktail for sure.

Just random thoughts passing by, any feedback much welcome and appreciated!