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Go Back  The Tool Page: Opinion » Tool » Albums » Ænima » 15. Third Eye
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Old 06-09-2003, 10:43 AM   #1
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the third eye potluck

this song is CLEARLY about drugs. drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs. and about pussy. but indirectly about pussy. its mostly about drugs. now i know what youre all thinking..."this song is about enlightenment...blah blah blah"
no its' not. its about drugs and getting high and waiting for your little blood-pumper to stop pumping, so that we may evolve into our highest form: wormfood!
as the singer sings "prying open my third eye" etc etc ad nauseum, the singer is metaphorically coming to the realization that the whole point of living is dying, that we may feed the true rulers of the earth, the worms! it is in wormdom that evolution finds its most masterful creation: THEY-WHO-EAT-THE-SHIT-OF-THE-PLANET. the great joke of existence is that evolution yielded man who will feed the worms! our sophisticated civilization will do nothing to save us....ahahahhaha!!! prying open my third eye! yes! the singer is REALLY saying "hey! we're all wormfood! isnt this great?!?! lets get naked, drink a liter of acid and fuck til the cosmos ends!!! prying open my third eye!"
now then, why use drugs? other than the obvious fact that you can avoid dealing with this shit-hole world by getting high, drugs also have the wonderful effect of peeling open your pineal gland to reveal the state of being-as-it-is, rather than the cloudy state of being-as-you-want-it-to-be. drugs serve to strike a dissonance in the mind-control that the government and the space aliens use to keep you in check. drugs free your mind. do drugs then. this is what the singer is trying to say, and gets closer and closer to it, especially if you listen to the song backwards (dont mind the voice of satan telling you to chop off your head, just listen to the singer providing an alchemical recipe for transmuting kool-aid into acid) (nod to rev. jim jones). the music, the poetry, the screaming, the moshing, it is all the madcap dance of the enlightenened that have come to the realization that we're all wormfood! and they (like the band, who support this explication in its entirety) have been awakened to reality through drug consumption!
its important, though, that, when prying open your third eye, you do not act like a, how do you say, COWARD, when consuming drugs. if someone says one joint will get you high, go for five or six joints! if the pusher says "man these shrooms are gonna fuck you up! you only need like two caps" then you take ten or twelve! remember, that so-called "moderation" is just the government and the space aliens trying to keep you from prying open your third eye! dont let them! fight the power! embrace your evolutionary heritage! we are wormfood!!! pry open your third eye! support your neighborhood drug dealer!
holy shit, and hallelujah!!!!
i need a fucking aspirin...
"hulk smash!"
george w bush

Last edited by joshuacureton; 06-09-2003 at 10:46 AM..
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Old 06-22-2003, 02:30 PM   #2
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Re: the third eye potluck

i need a fucking aspirin...
You need a whole bottle!
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Old 06-23-2003, 08:32 AM   #3
Level 1 - Lurker
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Re: the third eye potluck

Originally posted by joshuacureton
its about drugs and getting high and waiting for your little blood-pumper to stop pumping, so that we may evolve into our highest form: wormfood!
as the singer sings "prying open my third eye" etc etc ad nauseum, the singer is metaphorically coming to the realization that the whole point of living is dying, that we may feed the true rulers of the earth, the worms! it is in wormdom that evolution finds its most masterful creation: THEY-WHO-EAT-THE-SHIT-OF-THE-PLANET. the great joke of existence is that evolution yielded man who will feed the worms! our sophisticated civilization will do nothing to
Your interpretation is intereseting but I don't see any evidence to support your view in the lyrics. There is a single reference to death in the line, "What is this holy crow above me?" but this line clearly fits in with the idea of spiritual rebirth or, if you like, rebirth of consciousness. Also, your interpretation is heavily reliant on the idea that this song deals with one's bodily constitution, but there are no references at all to the state of one's body at a;;! If there is any issue of life and death in this song it is purely spiritual and transcendent, and it is completely unrelated to physicality.

Perhaps I am wrong and maybe you could explain to me how this is so, but it seems to me that you need to engage more closely with what the writer is trying to express and less with what you are tempted to read into it.
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