View Full Version : Censorship

11-27-2002, 05:47 PM
If you were good friends with Maynard, he would tell you it's simply about censorship.

I think that the just kidding part is that, people basically could lighten up. Like not take everything so seriously that we have to censor anything that could slightly modify someones thought process. Even though only morons let the media influence their opinion and shit like that. So Tool is saying let people say what they fucking want, it's not all to be taken so damn seriously.


11-30-2002, 09:45 AM
Some people go really overboard with the whole "we must keep things pure" deal. I think the song is commenting on religious group protests to an extent...

12-22-2002, 08:24 PM
I agree, it is about censorship...obviously. But I look at it as also a way of saying, "Hey, let me be me and dont control my life. I run my life, and I wont let you or anyone run it for me."

I dont know if its just me, but, I dont like the "Just Kidding" part. I mean...use the freedom of speech. If I were in their possition (being a musician myself) I wouldnt say "Just kidding", I would mean it if I said it...Keep to the meaning of the song and really mean "Go fuck yourself, I will be me."