bla: saw them during undertow and lateralus tour, been "very ok" with the new album and no fan of a "concrete aera" of tool. each album has its kicks, so does the new one. before days, i was a bit afraid of being uncomfortable with the setlist, the short play time and the missing of fucking live killers like opiate, but with only several minutes to go, i could touch the electricity.
oh. my . god.
( calm myself down for a sec )
( say many euphoric sentences which seem to be unbelievable )
have you ever played pinball?
i think, the 90 minutes of this evening gave a brief description of how does it feels to be the ball. and if that's not enough, you become multiballed.
balls. adam jones.
what a great guitar player is he if you listen to him deeply in the middle of a live concert.
as if he's firing permanently new objectives into the hall, fast enough to grab you, slow enough to let you watch them behind closed eyes.
90 minutes short? not for me. more playtime would have raised the danger-level of getting heartattacked.
lost keys, perfect to dive in.
rosetta, oh hell, WE HAVE TIME, BE PATIENT! rolls over you like a tank
stinkfist, the variation kicks a great song to "wooooaaaa.... can't find words"
46&2 brillant as ever
jambi / schism / right in two - monsterblock. you will fly away on that.
sober.. coming back to earth for a while just to be absorbed by lateralus and vicarious for a brillant finish. finish? maynard blews waves and aenima set's the last top of a top on top show.
sound: perfect. and more.
crowd: outstanding. minutes of standing ovations from the front row down to the last. several boohs for not having an encore.
WOW... great experience...i was like 10 meters from the stage... sound was blowing...probably a little too much for me coz i cudnt hear maynards voice clearly as the bass was taking off ... the setlist was good....and overall pretty satisfied...a little short...but its i gotta absorb myself and sleep :)
__________________ Mass Hypnosis in a very orthodox form is called "Education".
Well, this was a very good show. Unfortunately I came in late so I didn't have a great position in this giant hall. Maybe that was a reason that we thought the sound wasn't that good. Also I thought it was a bit short and where did The Pot go since Pinkpop?
Overall this was probably the least good show I've seen, Philipshalle (2001) being the best Tool experience so far (that one topped Tilburg and Pinkpop (2001) and Groningen (2002).
-MJK: Hello German People!
-Crowd: <cheering>
-MJK (10 secs later): And hello Dutch People!
-Crowd: <cheering>
-MJK (10 secs later): And the Irish People!
-Crowd: <silence>
great show... despite it being short, it took me for quite a ride... i just got home and am exhausted... so i'll prolly add more later or tomorrow... just wanted to add a little quote of maynard
before jambi:
"so we had a new album come out. gonna tell you a little story about it... blablablablabla something really really clever, blabla, bla something else, blabla so that's the new album"
and then adam kicked in...
i wanna give a big shout to chechi who couldn't be there tonight... you were with us in spirit... and your ticket made another tool fan really really happy...
greetz also to ryan and jeff who i met at the show... 2 more tool brothers added to the family...
I had a couple in front of me kissing and slow dancing together during Ænema. Funny to see.
15 meters behind the barrier on the right side (if u're looking at the stage)? ;)
Where I stood were some pogo-assholes (about 30-40) and it was FUCKING ANNOYING. It ruined my evening. Couldn't see, couldn't concentrate. But the show was great.
Hell, what a great trip! Rosetta Stoned got lost in the bass sound that was way too heavy & loud (i almost puked...), but from Stinkfist on it was absolutely perfect. Amsterdam here we come!!
__________________ *If Bush is the answer, it was a stupid question*
I saw them at Rock am Ring on 06/06/02 and yesterday again at this venue, both shows were very tight.
The difference in the setlists were the order in which the songs were played and that they now replaced The Pot with Lost Keys, which isn't an improvement, because The Pot was a highlight for me at Rock am Ring.
The new songs do very well live, my highlights for this evening were Jambi, Right in two and Vicarious.
I do agree that the show that they played in this venue on the previous tour ( ) was better, but I'll probably never see a concert that good again.
Still they showed again, what an incredible band they are. I especially watched Adam this time, from the sound of Tool you might expect incredible guitar solos, but Mr. Jones is a master of the subtle touch and makes it look easy to create a great guitar sound.
__________________ And if you want my address, it's number 1 at the end of the bar.
I was in the first fucking row and it was so awesome. One of the best concerts I've ever seen. The crowd was totally cool, I even had room to dance. Ænema was absolutely incredible. I'm still high from the experience.
On the downside, Maynard did seem like he wanted to be somewhere else and overall in a shitty kind of mood, but hey, his voice was still killer.
The people I've been with at the concert said there was a couple of rythem fuckups between the bass and the guitar but, honestly, I couldn't hear it, I was just too blown away by the music. Tool are Gods.
15 meters behind the barrier on the right side (if u're looking at the stage)? ;)
Where I stood were some pogo-assholes (about 30-40) and it was FUCKING ANNOYING. It ruined my evening. Couldn't see, couldn't concentrate. But the show was great.
I was standing around there too, and those fucks ruined it for me as well. I mean come on, I don;t mind a little roughness during a song like Ænema. But fat germans pogoing on every single song, even during songs like Lateralus and Schism? FUCK OFF
But enough of the whining :)
The show itself was really really good if a little short, I was surprised how good the new songs sound live (except for rosetta stoned)
Again, good show. Vibrations were good. The tabla solo of Danny during right in two hit me the most. It had deep vibrations in it, way to cool.
I was in front row, on the left. And again.. moshing.. haha; they beated the shit out of eachother during vicarious and aenema. And what keeps people crowdsurfing? Anyways..
Nice setlist, but again maybe too short.
My thoughts about the sound this evening were not too good. The guitar was way too hard an sometimes the drums and bass could not be heard. But hey (hey hey), I'm not complaining.
The show beat that on pinkpop, although they played better there. This whole ambience in Düsseldorf is what we need.
Great venue, tight lights, great audience!
Amsterdam, there we go!
__________________ Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.
Well, it was a nice evening, but i was disappointed, that compared to the show at pinkpop on sunday the setlist was exactly the same except for right in two instead of the pot...
Maynard seemed to be in a bad mood, not talking that much compared to pinkpop...adam changed his guitar between two of the songs at the end, seems like he was afraid that a string would brake, as it did at pinkpop...between vicarious and lateralus, the band took a brake, all sat down on maynards little stage, joking around while the crowd was cheering, maynard put his hand to his ear all the time, telling us to cheer louder, and then they played the last 2 songs...but it was obvious that this was not the end...vicarious-lateralus-aenema...they do it every night that way...
All in all a nice show, crowd was cool where i was standing on the center-right in 2nd - 3rd voice is gone today...
Until yesterday i didnt like rosetta stoned, but then i thought about pinkpop again, and how powerful this song is as the first song of a tool show...and yesterday again, rosetta stoned was first its kinda my favourite one of 10,000 days...
the concert was realy great. the first time i saw tool. but it was to short. MJK not talking that much compared. but it was great. the songs could be better yesterday.
Hi Guys. I'm new to the opinionforums.
This was my second tool live experience because I also saw them at Rock Am Ring. I have to say that the show at Rock Am Ring was much better because of the ambience and the sound. The bass was too dominant like it was at Rock Am Ring but this time it was even more. Sometimes it was hard for me to understand Maynards voice. I'm a bit disappointed. Setlist was nearly the same as Rock Am Ring except Lost Keys. The crowd was very cool and everyone was really relaxed. I was on the right side in the front with a huge guy in front of me. I always had to stretch myself in order to see something. I hope they realize that the bass is too heavy so they lower it a bit the next time because I really want to hear Maynards great voice. Anyway it was a cool show but it could have been better ;).
Well, we got an extraordinary lesson on exploring the possibilities of electric amplifying. Never experienced that kind of volume level not just being hurting noise but a wonderful beam of energy instead. Unbelievable.
Sound was not that crystal clear as I expected from former concerts´ reviews. But was ok with regard to the enormus energy delivered. Absolutely cool to see (and listen to) what a wal bass is able to perform in gifted hands.
The show was truly exciting, but had a slight taste of routine to me. Does not matter too much anyway if you imagine yourself playing such sophisticated and difficult stuff every single evening for several months. The audience´s response was kind of restrained with the exception of the first fifteen meters in front of the stage ;-) . Didn´t expect a prog rock crowd to be that cool. Funny peaceful event indeed.
Great experience altogether, and hard to top. Not to be beaten by any other band worldwide, seriously!
curlybilly, I never liked rosetta stoned but I really didn't mind it live, at all. I actually liked it.
Where I was there were no pogoers, they were prolly behind the barrier because that's where you usually find these type of people. There are dumbasses like that at every concert. When I'm close to them I usually just change my location because I'm 5'2'' and a lightweight so, I'd just be dinnered if I stayed around them.
Great show. We had a long trip to Düsseldorf from Austria but it was worth it. We where standing somewhere in the middle, but sadly all tose germans where bigger than us so we couldnt see alot of the stage. There was some funny guy who looked like the figure in the Stinkfist video near me. And.. i loved the intro to Sober and it was cool to see them play Right in Two.
The whole show was great, but Maynard could have shown more enthusiasm.
One more thing, Düsseldorf SUCKS balls. Our train left at 4:53am on 9.6. so we had to go out in Düsseldorf. We where in the Altstadt and there where soo many idiotic people there. We had no idea where to go into and in one bar the bartender probably thought we're stupid austrians and can trick us with Coke instead of Bacardi Coke.
Anyway, the concert was worth the 6 hour train trip.
Hey, does anyone know how many people where in the hall?
Why does TOOL sound horrible so often? I was at one of the NYC shows, and Maynard might as well have been somewhere else, drowned out by the bass and bass drums. The entire low-end of the sound was an unintelligible mess. IMAGINE! TOOL without hearing Danny's BASS DRUMS. Just bbbblblblblblblblb all night long, like a giant fart. Now I read these city by city reports and many people complain of the same thing. Is this why you break your asses, guys? To go out on the road and sound like crap? I'll se them in the fall, when they come back to the US, but I hope thet get their shit together. They should be embarrassed.
What was up with Maynard and the cloth or t-shirt he was holding in front of his face in the later part of the show? I think he had a huge cold or something, he didn't sound that good I thought, didn't really hit the high notes, especially Jambi was a bit of a dissapointment for me because of that. Might also be why they didn't play the Pot.
And yeah, he did seem like he'd rather be somewhere else, also seemed as if he was mocking the whole thing a little bit (too much for my taste).
All in all a bit of a dissapointment, Maynard carries the emotional weight of the music and that just got lost a bit (not on all songs thought, sober and laterlalus were still magnificent).
Also this German girl ruined a part of the evening for me, she forced herself in between me and my friend and than starting jumping against me like a madwoman in a very a-rythmical matter which made me lose focus of the music more than once.
I'm usually not a violent man, but I really felt like helping her with some involuntary crowdsurfing a couple of times...
Anywayz, enough bitching, part of it all was probably my skyhigh expectations (god, I hate those), although I still think the shows I've seen before were more impressive.
I must say that the show was great. It could have been a bit longer, like 2 songs more or so.
Rosetta had a really shitty sound but they improved on that during the show.
The Band seemd really into it. I was standing right in front of Jusitn an he was really rockin´. Maynard was in kind of a different place an I had the impression that he didn´t bother about the show or anything. Later during the show he started to relay a little.
I must say I like it when he sings with the mic in his hand so that he can move around more.
Highlight for me: 46 & 2 ha a cool intro an really soundes great.
This was my fourth Tool concert and unfortunately also the least exciting.
The show was a bit too short. As someone said in a previous posting, two more songs would have been great (The Pot and Parabola perhaps).
What really pissed me off though was MJK's behaviour on stage. I have to confess, my feelings towards him are a bit ambivalent. On the one hand he's a great singer who writes excellent lyrics on the other hand he seems like a really self absorbed, arrogant cynical person. He rodeo antics during the concert really underline a statement that I read in another posting in this thread : Maynard was mocking the whole show and the audience.
Fortunately from the position I was standing he was hard to make out at times.
I thought the show was really mind blowing. At first I was disapointed because i could not get to the first rows, but then I found some really cool sitting place, the ones that are closest to the stage and I had a perfect view of the entire band. Plus, there were noone to disturb my trance with their stupid pogo shit.
The sound from my point of view was great, there seemed to be a lot of bass but not too much, i could hear everybody in the right amounts.
So, now I am much happier, than I was after the RockAmRing set, because I could truly experience the beuty of the band.
Really amazing, i think i'm not the same person after this concert...
This was my first Tool concert, I was there with my father (I'm only 14, so that's the reason). We were on the side where you could sit, we had a great view, but Maynard was hiding away from the crowd. Anyway, I especially enjoyed Lateralus.. Man that was great. And I could here the Fight part from Right in Two pretty good, but I don't remember what he exactly said.
I do agree that the show that they played in this venue on the previous tour ( ) was better, but I'll probably never see a concert that good again.
The link doesn't work here. What is it supposed to be?
Also a Dutchie who went to Dusseldorf. My fourth show, the first one of the 10.000 days tour. It was a great show but it couldn't compare to the show 5 years ago at Pinkpop and especially the 013 Tilburg concert. That last one was outstanding and maybe it's not fair to expect that again.... they played 1 hour and 38 minutes, from the first note to the last. (Five years ago they played more than two hours). And then. Bam! The lights went on within a second after the gig! Weird to put it on that soon after the show. They made some real obvious mistakes. Adam was really sleeping during the end of 46&2. The breaks at the end... the first one went wrong! Danny corrected it! Maynard did something weird at a chorus in Lateralus, he stopped singing to soon and Adam was looking at him, confused, thinking he was to late with playing his solo. So to me they didn't seem to be very focused on the show. On the other hand, I discovered they are human! :-))
On the other hand, I discovered they are human! :-))
But that's also great isn't it :) I noticed the same slips but I think they managed to fix them really skilfully. Besides, it's a live concert thing, it's not supposed to be that perfect anyways, at least from my point of's not some symphony orchestra, it's a rock band after all.
This was my fourth Tool concert and unfortunately also the least exciting.
The show was a bit too short. As someone said in a previous posting, two more songs would have been great (The Pot and Parabola perhaps).
What really pissed me off though was MJK's behaviour on stage. I have to confess, my feelings towards him are a bit ambivalent. On the one hand he's a great singer who writes excellent lyrics on the other hand he seems like a really self absorbed, arrogant cynical person. He rodeo antics during the concert really underline a statement that I read in another posting in this thread : Maynard was mocking the whole show and the audience.
Fortunately from the position I was standing he was hard to make out at times.
I sort of agree.
I didn't like it. Maynard was all like "lets get this done quickly".
I somehow felt that he was just goofing around. This completly destroyed my experience of the concert. It was like listening to a record of worse quality, it doens't feel any alive or animated. The rather short playtime without any encore only added to that feeling.
Anyway.. onto more details. The instrumental sound was really great. First of all, the acoustic at Phillipshalle are superb. Secondly, they played very precisely with hardly any sloppiness. There were also some nice variations, which is good.
Maynard on the other hand was not so good. I almost couldn't hear him. He somehow cheated himself out of parts where he _actually_ has to scream, like
Vicariously I / live while the whole world dies
I wouldn't say that it sounded horrible. I just couldnt hear anything. It was like they took Maynards whisper and sent it through the amp back and forth.
They didn't play 10,000 days, which disappointed me a lot. But reconsidering the show, it didn't surprise me. 10k days is actually the only song on the album which goes without technical voice compression/manipulation/whatsoever. It's the only song that lets one fetch a glimpse of Maynards vocal power. For some reason Maynard decided that he didn't want to sing on this concert, so they didn't play 10k days.
The show itself was very poor. Not that I would care if the rest would have been great, but it just fits into the sloppy scheme of the concert, and probably the whole tour. Its all up to you wheter you like the rodeo-thing ( Probably he's telling us that the show is 'gay', see ænima booklet for further refernce ) he's got going on there, I certainly dislike it, but theres not much arguing about the video show. They had this many-eyes theme in store, and thats it. The rest was graphic nonsense and the 1996's claymen.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't ever meassure a concert by its video show. But I have to compare the concert to the 2001 one (hoho). This concert was so awesome in every aspect of its awesomness(?) that it needs to be mentioned here. The video show back in the days was just fascinating and almost benumbing. They had a better screen too, so meh..
I could understand anyone saying "the show was great!". But I missed the Maynard in a Maynard concert, it felt all sterile, dead and cold. Im not the biggest fan of standing in between a bunch of sweaty people, so I could have as well listened to a record.
Nevertheless, I still had a very good time with a friend of mine, which was good, so it wasn't entirely for nothing.
Last edited by Briareos; 06-13-2006 at 08:27 AM..
Reason: typo/added quote
agree with roggles. maynard was very good to hear. all you had to do is concentrate more on the sound than on the show. keep your eyes closed and you will reach much more intensity as if you try to watch the band playing.
Just a little something on the Dusseldorf show.
I loved the show, me and my friend were right in front let's say the 3rd row, the only remark i would have on the show are the fucking people around us, some of them just came there to annoy us with their disturbing way of pushing people around.
I mean come on, I wasn't waiting to be pushed away like that for 3 years!
Justin by the way was really grinding his bassguitar!I guess I just didn't expect them to be so vibrant on stage .....
I loved it and didn't expect him to be so fucking amazing on stage.
I must say that the moment Maynard came on stage he looked so much more open on stage than he was with the A Perfect Circle gig in tilburg a while ago.
And I had never seen Tool perform live but the band was exactly what I wished they would be like.Tool's the only band that can bring this kind of exstacy in and to a crowd! I can't wait to go to Rock Werchter and experience them live in the open, I guess it's not going to complement for the nice video's in the background, but in Dusseldorf I couldn't even focus on that ;)
I hope he mentions the Dutchy's again in Belgium, cuz that just made my day for some reason.
See you guys There! Greetings Brit