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Old 11-28-2002, 02:09 PM   #1
Level 6 - Very Deep Thinker
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Long Island, NY
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Well...I'll do my best at voicing my opinion on the 'Stinkfist' video. I'll put together what I remember of the video, since I can't really watch it because I lost the tape with the video on it, and I forgot some of the little details that may or may not back up this opinion.

Alrighty, I think this video, along with the song, is a story that contains the theme of love.

The video starts with two "lifeless" people, a man and woman. Something to notice about them is that they are both colored in a dull hue, and covered in a "sandy" material. The places that they dwell in are also colored the same way.

The man is living the kind of life you would see with someone who suffers from a severe case of depression. His eyes are closed all the time, he gets rid of the aspects of his life he doesn't like and attempts to close them off (the protrusion/cyst/tumor that formed on his back and was placed in the jar). He also eats the nail, and it protrudes through his abdomen. The man eating the nails may symbolize him trying to put himself together, but all the nails simply leave him, almost. His failures will now stick with him.
He's living a worthless life, mostly sleeping. The scene ends with someone else's hands hovering over him.

The woman: I think that this woman has had her eye on the man for a little while, but she's keeping it a secret. She's very active and unlike the man, can recover from her damages quickly (her forearm falls off and she quickly fixes that.) She also seems like the "bitch" type of girl that looks like you could spend the rest of your life with, but when you get to know her, it's a nightmare. Take the character in the video with half a body and a AC cord plugged into the wall. This was probably done by her. And like the worm she is, she has found a better host.

Now the man minds the hole in his dead life and the woman, who appears to be his true love and someone that could really help him, moves into his world and touches him.
Suddenly everything fills with vibrant colors and life, even him.
The woman's outer form changes because she has now found someone else to live off of. The rest is history.
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