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Old 12-13-2002, 10:58 AM   #1
Level 1 - Lurker
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Lost but alive

Here's my take on the Stinkfist video... words are limiting, but here it goes...

The guy in the video seems very scientific. He doesn't seem to fear things, but rather likes to perform experiments. He eats the spike things, uses the big drug-like dispensor, and keeps the thing that he breaks off of his shoulder in a jar for observation.

This sort of reminds me of the scientific community. They do a lot of things in the name of science that a lot of people consider unethical (i.e., stem cell research, cloning), but really science itself is nuetral. The scientific process doesn't consider the moral implications of the results. The process of nuclear fission doesn't say "go build a big bomb" but rather "here's how to release a lot of energy."

Like science, the guy is neutral, desensitized, and unfeeling. But he can still learn and grow, he is willing to try new ways, and he knows that his actions have real consequences. He does things that don't seem natural or are even dangerous. Good for him! There's still hope for him. He's not completely dead to the world, he still believes in something, but he doesn't know what it is or why he should chase after it. This is the woman.

The woman comes along and makes him feel something. Not much at first. Maybe resentment, fear, hate, or disappointment. It doesn't really matter, so long as he feels something. This makes the man realize that actually he had been feeling all along. He had been desiring.

All along, the guy had been trying to make things better for himself. Experimenting and trying to benefit himself. This might be bad... It's not too good if the feeling you base all your other feelings on is desire. I think the guy realizes this and decides to change it. The woman is the catalyst for his growth, when she pokes his belly. This prompts him to examine what he has been holding on to, the foundation of his desires, represented by the three doors.

Examing the basis for his desires...

The man feels something so deep and distorted, he fears looking at it. Looking at it reminds him that things he used to understand and had allowed himself to become emotionally connected to in both positive and negative ways have become mind-paralyzing, confusing images (i.e., the fat kid being touched "down there" (slow down the dvd, you'll see it), the guy with the top half of his head missing, the guy with wrinkled up distorted face, and the little dick-shaped-head guy in a suit dancing in front of the stove).

The things he used to rely on as a basis for the reasons things are the way they are have faded away, becoming something they were not, and he realizes that nothing is constant. Everything he touches or observes is changed by him. The longer he holds on to his comforting images, the more distorted they become.

This is the point where the man and woman shed their skins, becoming newly aqainted with their environment.


The man sees through this. Its just a facade, another experiment, another test. He knows that this new skin will become cold armor, and the cycle is really quite pointless. Hence, he'll keep digging for something more meaningful, a better way to be.

The woman can't see his new view. She looks pensive of his desire to search for reason. She is too comfortable in the same old cycle. She even tries to "fix" the man by giving him more of the same old useless drug.

The guy doesn't resent the woman for this, because I think he has come to love the woman so much for giving him the sense of life, for being able to feel. He tries to not become connected to her, to prevent her from becoming another temporary image that will fade away. He knows this hurts and confuses the woman, but would rather sacrifice his own desires so that the woman will grow along her own path rather than be destroyed by his chaotic mind.

Right at the end of the video, it looks like the woman realizes something imortant. Maybe the man was right or maybe she realizes that she has to go and save him again. Either way it kinda sucks for the guy because he is still alone, lost in his mind and unable to find a way closer to the woman without destroying her.

Or maybe its about fisting...
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Old 12-17-2002, 02:33 PM   #2
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Re: getting closer to without destroying

I found your opinion very similar to mine. I feel this video is about a lonely man who's been alone for his entire life. He's been afraid of relationships with women and how to approach and begin one without destroying the woman. He has a shadow he hasn't explored or has denied for his entire life, to the point where he's decided to completely desentize himself from everything in order to find his true deeper self. He decides to touch or communicate with the woman (who may represent his Aenima). This causes a chain reaction of self-dicoveries and inner events to occur. The man sees all the deformaties of himself projected by his shadow (fat man, dick-head, man with half of face missing etc.). The second part is the woman unplugging the chord on the little boy. This part represents the biggest change in the man (his dependant childish or infant personality, whose been using the man's energy via an electrical outlet is now unplugged) he's empty. Now its time for the woman to come in and fill him up, but like mentioned in your opinion he's not there yet, he sheds his skin but still has his eyes shut to the world around him. His shoulder wound beomes his companion and now he walks alone again.

I think the woman acts as the catalyst and as an important role in moving the man closer to himself (independance).

The next step for the man seems to occur in Schism, where a more subtle approach by the woman or aenima is required to reach the man and initiate the marriage.

I believe in essence, a man serves the function of emptiness or a need to fill a void (himself). In the other instance, being born a woman serves the function of being the guiding light that leads him to himself. I like to think being human (please excuse the simplicity of this metaphor) consists of an asexual being (spirit) fulfilling a sexual manifestation in the physical form of the body. We are eternal in a spiritual sense, endowed with a physical body that enables us to feel and know ourselves.

And now back to masterbation.
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