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Old 05-22-2008, 02:12 PM   #1
Level 5 - Deep Thinker
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Residue of Residues

Lovely is its atmosphere…?!
Wreckage oh wreckage…
Do not pave its cursed beauty!

Silence is what I wish to hear…?!
Sound oh sound…
Be gone and be executed!

Am I still not satisfied…?

Elements are the sacrificial gear.
Gap oh gap,
Feed yourself the fruits of variables!

Holiness is the aspect of fear.
Miracle oh miracle,
Pour us some of your wine and crown our rivers, so we could taste its might.

If only I could paralyze this fact then I could turn it into a whole new butterfly…
Keep it in my cage; a constant thought I lack.
Maybe then the breeze will sing me her lullaby…

Imagine the colors it could have revealed…
Light oh light,
Reflect it to our eyes!

Wonder what shape or parts it could have been…
Darkness oh darkness,
Hold yourself a candle light!
Until we all can bear this beyond ness of sight!

If only I could hypnotize this fact then I could evolve it into a whole new butterfly…
Hold it in my cage; a constant thought I lack.
Maybe then the wind will play me her lullaby….

The giant clock is taking her eyes away…
Taking her to a place of vivid and colored days!
A place where the sun meets the moon and say:
“How dare you steal my light and share it for those who kill and betray!
The night exists for them to meditate and to glide afar my illusive stolen rays.
Can’t you see the sky crying for their pain? Can’t you see them gain
Her flood of tears that will surely make all of them for forgiveness pray!”

While it takes me to a bed of innocent lilies…
Sleeping in the arms of millions as I carry no worries
To confront fear from those whom were my friends and now my enemies…
Let the air heal and dance to it’s children’s songs of remedies!
And let the flowers drag my body through these constant energies!

This constant rhythm is making me shine!
And yet, this constant shine is making us all blind!
This constant blindness is snatching all of the signs!
While, this constant stealing is locking up our minds!
This constant intellect is making us lose track of time!
As, this constant time loss is enraging our instincts, And so…
Making us bound to pine!

Show yourself, identify yourself; the mystery…
The creation, the forbidden for us to see…
Why keep yourself so hidden from our misery?
Insignificant it has become for all, barely alive in our memory…
But who are we to complain?!?
For here I am stabbing earth with my poem of sad history…
And there you are reading it and reminding it of its painful diary…
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