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Go Back  The Tool Page: Opinion » Tool » Albums » Opiate » 5. Jerk Off
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Old 03-03-2014, 05:20 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Bum-Fuck, KS
Posts: 82
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i just came.

i think this song is pretty self-explanatory.. though, i feel it touches on morality.. its almost like its from the perspective of a kid realizing that justice is a lie.. "bad" people get away with doing "bad" things every day. and every day, innocent people get blamed and convicted for things they never did..

"Someone told me once
that there's a right and wrong,
and that punishment
would come to those
who dare to cross the line."

someone once said that justice is always delivered.

"But it must not be true
for jerk-offs like you.
Maybe it takes longer to catch a total asshole.
but I'm tired of waiting.
Maybe it's just bullshit and I should play GOD,
and shoot you myself.
Because I'm tired of waiting."

it must not be true because.. well, just look at society today... maybe it just takes longer.. but im tired of waiting.. maybe its a load of shit, and i should play vigilante and dictate who/what is right and wrong..

"Consequences dictate
our course of action
and it doesn't matter what's right.
It's only wrong if you get caught.
If consequences dictate
my course of action
I should play GOD
and shoot you myself.
I'm very tired of waiting.

I should
kick you,
beat you,
fuck you,
and then shoot you in your fucking head."

its a law of nature that consequences dictate your course of action. if something tastes bad or makes you sick, you dont eat it anymore. if something tastes good and makes you feel better, you keep eating it.. "it doesnt matter whats right, its only wrong if you get caught" - someone found a loophole in the system. if i can hide it, it must not be wrong, right?? if thats true, then if i can kill you and dispose of your body without being caught; i must be in the "right", right?? - this is where i feel it begins to touch on morality, or moral relativism (from philosophers like Nietzsche). how much worse than their annoyances would killing them be?? you could simply ignore it, walk away, or go ahead and dive in the deep end by killing them..
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