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Old 10-17-2023, 08:24 PM   #1
Up From The Skies
Suicide Booth ID: 13
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Given To Fly!!!!!
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you aRe

You are the Angel that guides this shaft of light that surrounds me

You are nature’s force, fierce and strong

You are the Moon to my ocean

You are every star in my sky

You are the wings of my feathers that crest

You are sparkling in the prism that bedazzles

You are sweet strawberry starburst that I savor

You are my lighthouse in every sea storm

You are my destination of paradise

You are the foundation of my creativity

You are simply brilliant in your creativity

You are the subject of hundreds of romantic poems (and still counting)

You are the reason why I write

You are the reason why I paint

You are the very tippy top tier of writers my dear

You are all of my happy memories

You are absolutely simply adorable

You are in possession of my beating heart

You are loved every moment of everyday

You are a part of me, especially in our soul

You are the person I want to spend eternity with
I don't know where the sunbeams end
And the starlights begin
It's all a mystery
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