Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned
Forty Six & 2
Right In Two
I was hoping for both The Pot and Right in two... Concert lasted around 1 h 40 min, so as short as usually. Sound wasn't good IMO. But the show was amazing though! :D:D
As far as I remember Maynard during the whole show said only "Good evening' after Rosetta and thanked for the show before Aenima (and mentioned something about touring here again in november) :)
It was an amazing and awesome show, first show of TOOL i've ever been to. It was extremly hot by the stage but seein TOOL was worth of it. I hope they will tour in Poland again ;]
I agree that the sound was quite poor- too much bass and from time to time barely recognizable vocals. Luckily, the band did their job well. Obviously, their interaction with the crowd was minimalized and there was no encores, but we could all expect it from TooL: it's just the way they are and I really have no problem with it. Though the setlist was the same as in previous shows, I really enjoyed all the songs (unfortunately, they did no exeptions for Poland and didn't play 'Third Eye' ;). TooL remains an extremely professional band and even Maynard's dumb cowboy image won't change it ;).
In my opinion show in Krakow in 2001 was 10000 times better then this one, sound was totally fucked up, maybe in november they'll come back to Krakow, I have to say that Jambi live is gooood...
That's right. The band did their job well. But the crowd... WTF? Barely anyone knew the lyrics, nvmd lyrics, they all looked like they didn't even recognise the songs. Pfff, why bother? Jumping, clapping in weird moments, shouting tool over and over again...Hell we like it.
That's right. The band did their job well. But the crowd... WTF? Barely anyone knew the lyrics, nvmd lyrics, they all looked like they didn't even recognise the songs. Pfff, why bother? Jumping, clapping in weird moments, shouting tool over and over again...Hell we like it.
Yeah, you're right! Some people looked like if they'd got free tickets and aren't intrerested in the show at all...There was a moment, I don't remember exactly, in Aenema probably, in chorus, Maynard stopped singing for a moment and the crowd didn't sing for him at all, you could hardly hear anybody singing...
Poor example Russian, they couldn't even sing Sober properly. Hey, and really, I wasn't t h a t far away from the stage, right under the middle of the dome, moreover, I moved there from the back, hoped to find anyone knowing what was going on... Don't tell me that all the fans hid themeselves in the sectors... I'm curious, it was only an accident or is it always like this? Here, in Poland, we're not reade for Tool...
ćwoki,jeteście gówno warci , w szczególności wydaje wam sie że jesteście fanami toola czy jakiegokliwem zespołu.idzcie słuchać green day i depeche mode.Nie byłem na tym koncercie ale widziełem paru ludzi którzy sie tam wybierali..nic dziwneg0 ze maynard śpiewał do was dupą przez pierwsze 15 minut,kurwamac,no było do chuja nie podobne.it was fake not genuin,FUCK-ALL.bylem na koncercie w krakowie i nigdy tego nie zapomne,czasy sie zmieniły zasady poszły się JEBAĆ, jebajcie sie jebvanne nastolatki i wasze przytoolanki i jbane pedały z włosami w dupie na żelu.
__________________ here you go.thats the boy.thats the kid
The same setlist, no suprises...poor sound, poor audience (too much tickets won? ;) ) pitty :(
The perfomance @ Ozzfest in the same hall in 2002 was lots, lots, lots much better..hopufuly they will come back here soon again (november?).
In my opinion it was really bad...great band though :]
Indeed the setlist was same as past shows.
Anyway it was my first Tool show.
It was extremly hot. People were too angry.
Something was wrong with sound cause in few moments music was getting to bass chaos ;D
Anyway show was great.
And I am waiting for more ]:]
Sound was fuckin fake... Too loud. But it was my first experience with Tool live music, and it was great :D I hope that they are going to play in Poland in November ("see you soon, hopefully in november" :D )
Show was great? What show? Have you ever been on Metallica, Rammstain? They're making show and Tool don't.
This was my first Tool concert, and I am very dissapointed.
Zero communication with people, no encore, zero visaul effects - what the fuck? Sorry, but the visualisation aren't a visual effects for me.
In one word - too short, no enthusiasm from musicians, lack of effects.
It was my second Tool show. I loved it and had a great time, even though there were some things I didn't like. The sound was too loud, especially during the second part of the show, too bassy (I hope this squeaking sound will disappear from my ears soon...), as usuall no interaction with the crowd, and the show being too short. But other than that, it was a real Tool feast. I had a fantastic time, lost a lot of energy, lost my voice (remember, don't drink soda from refrigerators right after such a show), met many friends, enjoyed the visuals (even though I'd already seen most of them). Greetz to the Polish Railroads - there's nothing like a train late for 80 minutes :)
Było świetnie ... ale troche rozczarowana jestem ludzmi ktorzy na koncert przyszli ... bo to co dzialo sie na scenie bylo do przewidzenia(niestety) ale fani? nastawili sie tylko na szatanskie pogo, po 2 piosence musialam uciekac na tyly plyty bo nie moglam oddychac i bylam juz cala poobijana :| nastepnym razem troche mniej pogo a troche wiecej serca! jak mozna bylo nie znac textow piosenek?! zachowanie fanow (nie wszystkich rzecz jasna ) bylo troche zalosne ... co do zespolu: wiadomo Tool to Tool, wiadomo bylo ze tak to bedzie wygladac ... naglosnienie niezbyt dobre ale wspaniale dzwieki rozchodzily sie po moim ciele i wsiakaly we mnie-cudna rzecz :) za duzo nie widzialam co sie dzialo na scenie niestey ale to co zdolalo mi sie zobaczyc wystarczylo :) Szkoda ze terazniejszy Tool to juz nie to samo co kiedys ale najwazniejsza jest przeciez muzyka a jej nie zabraklo :) mimo iz grali krotko. Miejmy nadzieje ze to co powiedzial MJK okaze sie prawdą i ze jezeli odbedzie sie nastepny koncert publika pokaze klase - wkoncu Tool to nie punkowa napierdalanka i nie trzeba przesadzac z pogo :P i drodzy "fani' : nauczcie sie textow piosenek:P i nie psujmy sobie nawzajem tak niezwyklego wydarzenia jak koncert Tool. Ja mimo wielu nieprzyjemnosci bede koncert wspominac bardzo milo :)
Pozdrawiam wszystkich, "see you soon, hopefully in november"
There was a moment, I don't remember exactly, in Aenema probably, in chorus, Maynard stopped singing for a moment and the crowd didn't sing for him at all, you could hardly hear anybody singing...
This was my first Tool concert. I amused myself immensely, what cannot be said about other people, stood if were here by chance thus throughout the concert, only at times stirred and sang only some. You have rights providing sound in moments it disappointed. The concert was short and there were no encore. MJK stood behind, he had no contact with the public.
I ask these which were on other concerts he always so behaves? Perhaps we did not merit more?
The actual setlist is correct. It's worth to mention, that there were several jams between songs, with one especially cool, somewhere around vicarious, I believe. It involved rather ambient/electronic sounds, with both Adam and Maynard playing on keyboards. During that, a technician was tuning adam's guitar for vicarious.
There was also a moment, where the band stopped playing, had taken off instruments, and were sitting/laying for few mins, observing the crowd. Of course angry eighteens haven't understood the idea behind that...
The show was dissapointing, from the very beginning. The organisation was poor, the price for ticket aswell (150 PLN = approx. $50, it's ALOT for a one-band gig here in Poland). Spodek hall has awful sound-surrounding, which in the end results with inaccurate, distracted, rumbiling sound, echoing from the walls. The accoustics were fucked up. There were few times, where guitar or percussion sound was suddenly raised up, drowning out the other members. The visuals were displayed on 4 screens (nice), but majority of them comes up from last tour, and the new ones looked like shit, seems like done in 10 minutes, involving some basic digital processing effects (kaleidoscope etc). Definitely not made by Camella. (aka Retina Logic)
As for musicians, I haven't noticed any major fuckups in playing. Danny did the usual job, but seemed rather out-of-the place, Adam's technique improved, this could be seen in certainty in his hands. Justin seemed to enjoy the playing, he moves more, smiles more, waves head/hair sometimes, there is a life in his bass playing - seems like he did the best progress. MJK moved sometimes, but his voice left a lot to be desired in some parts (or maybe it was accoustics).
The highlights were the ambient intros between songs, super-quick schism bridge (awesome idea!), Rosetta Stoned was performed (and sounded) suprisingly good. As for other songs, meh, poor. Songs from new album sounded flat, especially Jambi and (to my great dissapointment) - Vicarious.
Can't agree about the fans and lyrics - I felt a lot of people enjoyed the show singing, and you seem to forgot the sober part, where maynard left almost all lyrics from chorus, leaving the singing to choir of fans, singing only one word to give a sync for all. It was something 'not-toolish' and I liked it.
New fans could enjoy it, I'm sure, But it wasn't an awesome gig, really.
I would like to thank all my friends around the country, who I met with - you were mostly the thing I went there for and (contrary to band) you haven't disappointed.
To byl moj trzeci kocert Tool. Niestety najgorszy. Instrumenty za glosno, vocal za cicho. Wielka szkoda. Co do zachowania zespolu na scenie to zawsze sie tak zachowuja. Jak ktos chce zobaczyc show to niech idzie na Ich Troje. Za duzo tez bylo ludzi na plycie. Z gory wygladalo to tak jak by zaraz mialo dojsc do powtorki z Roskillde przy wystepie Pearl Jam.
Czy zauwazyliscie, ze konstrukcja spodka powoli sie sypie?
Correct me if I'm wrong but are the people that post here NOT satisfied with the concert? You must have been sooooo high ;)
I went to bed at 5 a.m. - it is a long way from Katowice to Poznan, weary but without any regrets!
My first tool gig and I have to admit that I had a great time. The band played the songs that I wanted to hear (Stinkfist, AEnema and Lateralus). I can't complain about the quality of the sound - for those who do - have you ever been in Stodola in Warsaw? After the (disastrous - in my opinion) Mars Volta concert last year I think it would take a total catastrophe to make me complain ;)
Maynard did not say much, perhaps someone told him that such greetings as "hello, Belgium" (like in Glasgow, if I'm correct) would not be found welcome in Poland ;) Although he could have tried: "Are there any Ukrainians here?" It was a much greater chance to meet someone from Ukraine yesterday iin Katowice, than in the UK. :) He was silent (between the songs, of course ;) ) and limited himself only to "Good evening" and "see you in November, hopefully".
The band... Justin was bustling with energy, Maynard also seemed to enjoy himself ( I couldn't see correctly but I think he didn't have his cowboy hat with him). I coulnd't see Danny and Adam, apart from a couple of times, but that didn't ruin the show for me, I had a great time listening to the music.
There were some people who just stood there like rocks, unmoved by the band. Perhaps that's the way they enjoy music and I'm absolutely okay with that, but I do have a suggestion for them: next time you go to a show like that, get seats!
Felt inspired, fathomed the power, witnessed the beauty, swung on the spiral.
Guys, thanks for an amazing evening and see you in November!!
If you want just to listen the music, you just simple turn on CD.
On the concert, you want to watch the band (but not their backs), listen them talking to you... just watching the show... Not this time, unfortunately :(
It was my first TOOL LIVE gig yesterday and I have to admit that the show was not 100% metaphysics I expected, though to hear SCHISM and SOBER live was a startling and astounding experience.
Lots of you are right as far as the sound is concerned. It was entirely fucked up what surely contributed to a slightly unpleasant reception of the show at certain moments.
The audiences - as far as this aspect of the gig is concerned, I fully agree with joanna 69. The crowd behaved like a pack of wolves. My sister nearly broke her leg when about 50 people collapsed in the middle during LOST KEYS. For the rest of the gig we moved back since it was impossible to remain in the middle of the wild crowd.
I hope that the next gig is going to be better.
See you in November:)
This was my first TOOL concert and I enjoyed it!
I agree that there was too much bass and vocals were too silent - poor sound.
Too much fans were to just mosh and jump in other people. Being closer to scene there was constant fight to stand straight :(
They could play longer as there wasnt any support.
But overall it was awesome and I wont forget it, and dont regret any PLN i paid - was worth.
Got back home at 5 am ( Rzeszow ) and still have ear buzzing.
this is pathetic, people are so easily spoiled. I remember 5 years ago when tool first came to Poland and everybody was pissing their pants. now, when they have another chance to see the band live, all of a sudden 'the sound was poor' or maynard didn't say 'I love you Poland you are the best audience ever' or other shit.
If you cant acknowledge or enjoy a simple fact that you have just witnessed one of the best bands in history perform live you should have gone home and had an orgasm in front of computer screen or whatever makes you happy. I know you'll still wear you Tool t-shirt the next day because it makes you look cool
If you cant acknowledge or enjoy a simple fact that you have just witnessed one of the best bands in history perform live you should have gone home and had an orgasm in front of computer screen or whatever makes you happy. I know you'll still wear you Tool t-shirt the next day because it makes you look cool.
Piękne słowa,ale mimo wszystko ludzie też dali radee...
First Concert and I feel pwnd
50$ is nothing compared to the sounds I`ve heard (a bit too loud, but still...)
First of all:
Its a rock band and rock band = pogo `n stuff and not standing and waving your hands...
Second of all:
Yes, Tool has a rather original way of composing and there are songs when you can wave and when you can jump
Tool does not sing "Oh babe, I love you so much" and doesnt have "catchy" lyrics, so the fact that people didnt sing or sang incorrectly could have come from this fact. Besides, when you hear such a band live, you suddenly forget the lyrics :p (like I did)
I'm reading your posts and i'm seeing only typical Polish whining. Where's the love? Are you guys never satisfied?
First things first - poor sound? Are you really that insane? The sound was excellent in my opinion. I have been to a few concerts before, also of foreign bands, and this sound totally blew my mind. I had a standing ticket. Maybe it was depending on the place where you stood (or sat), but definitely the vocals were loud and clear all the time for me. I heard all instruments correctly and equally well.
Some people say it was too silent - well, get your ears checked. It was very loud, but actually the guys only once went beyond the limits of the equipment, but that was during some high overdrive solo by Adam.
Some folks say there was too much bass - come on... that was the best bass i've ever experienced at a live show. My body was gently massaged by that vibration, i felt it even in my balls and it felt fucking good. Obviously you'll never have that kind of experience when you listen to Tool at home. And that's the beauty of a live show.
Some folks whine about other people. Well, sure, for some people it was not a love issue (i mean love for Tool's music), but a fashion issue to attend the show. But i don't mind. That's not something to get irritated at, rather to laugh at. Like some guys that after the show whined about the fact that there was no supporting band. Come on, we knew this a month before the show. Some whined about the fact that the show was short - we also knew it a month before. Some whined about ticket prices - well, for me this show was a life-enhancing experience, just as listening to Tool is a life-changing experience - next time i'm getting a sitting ticket which costs twice as much and i won't frown on that. Some also whined about tshirt prices - silly, i won't even comment on that.
Some folks whine about Maynard standing with the back to the audience for 15 minutes. Are you nuts? :) Laughable whining... Read comments from other shows and you will understand that they felt really well here and the connection with the audience was amazing. If you don't understand it, it's your problem, not mine. I had an awesome time, i had to stop myself from crying a few times during certain songs (and i'm a heterosexual male, btw), the effects and lights were beautifully enhancing this experience.
I don't even care to whine about the incidents that happened in the audience close to the stage - i was there, during Rosetta i slowly moved to the back and to the left because i'm not strong enough to fight with all those sweaty jumping folks. But it's their right to react that way to this music - you can't judge people by the way you are, you can't think that your reaction is the only correct one. I wanted to have more privacy and air to breathe, so i moved back and it was great.
Last but not least - if anyone here is also a member of Toolarmy, let me know. I spotted a few people in TA shirts there, i'd like to meet you on TA.
See You all in November. Stop whining, kill your hate and spread the love.
Does anyone know what exactly is going to be in autumn this year? an european tour in November or sth?
I`m in two minds about the concert. Thankfully to D Carey And J Chancellor it was awesome. Yes, I also was expecting juat a little bit more contact with the audience from Maynard...
I think `lost keys`is not the best song to start the concert with...
-i do not agree that people didn`t know the lyrics! (it would be ridiculous, though)
in my view yesterday`s concert was not the best, but hope to see Tool again very very soon!
Typical Poles, nothing but complain. Sound was GOOD. Show was great, audience was good as weel, although there was a bunch of jumping nuts. Great intros and extensions. About singing fans, well I also had a feeling that quite a lot of people came by accident, as far as TOOL is concerned, lyrics and music are INTEGRAL. Thanks for the BAND, you've done your best. See you in November!!
P.S. Gig in Krakow 4 years ago was too beautiful to happen again :| IMHO.
OK I agree that some people complain too much but sometimes they're right(but only sometimes;))
1) Maynard - i know he doesn't talk too much but 3 sentences it's just very little.But better 3 sentences than nothing ;)
2) Sound - it wasn't bad , but we all know it could be much better
3) Lyrics - How can you not want to sing for them? Or if not for Tool just for yourself!
4) Pogo - pogo it's ok but only if you are not hurting anyone. TOOL is rock band but it is not like Metallica or Slipknot so there's no need to be so angry and just kick and hit and overturn everyone...
5) Tickets - they are expensive but I think that concert gave us something more than 150 zł ...
So i just want to tell you that i enjoyed the show the way it was. I hope next will be better but it also depends from the audience.