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UlyssEEEeeeEEEeees's Avatar UlyssEEEeeeEEEeees
12-23-2019, 12:26 PM
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Prometheus gave me the idea to re-order these tracks when he posted his alchemist track order. This is not entirely different, as there are only so many tracks on the CD, but here we go.

Track 1: Chocolate Chip Trip

Starting at the butt. The first chakra, the Muladhara (मूलाधार) or root chakra. This is at the root of your spine, right next to your butt. This is obviously where a TOOL should start. Danny wrote and recorder Chocolate Chip Trip alone in, supposedly, one take. While it is a mammoth and technically advanced soundscape, it is also a primal one. Not only did Danny claim to record this track alone, he also claimed to have stayed back at the studio while the other guys took a trip to the store. The Muladhara is the chakra grounding and rooting, so it creates our sense of belonging and place. Danny had rooted himself in the studio. This chakra is also symbolized by an elephant. The behemoth. And so, if TOOL has ever written a song that sounds like a stampede of elephants. This is the one. The title also refers to a physical object. A chocolate chip. This got TOOL a few laughs, because the band usually names songs after more cerebral experiences like stinkfisting and eulogies.

Track 2: Descending

While the second chakra appears to be located above the first, it is believed to actually reside beneath it. This is the Svadhishthana (स्वाधिष्ठान) or self. If the first chakra roots itself into the physical, primitive, and visible world, the Svadhishthana provides our first departure into the subconscious, post-physical existence. We are moving away from simple activities like pooping, and into reproduction. This is not a glorified kind of sex. It is the kind of sex Maynard talks about in the APC song The Package. It is an unconscious need to take what you believe to be yours. This mind set, the movement from Muladhara to Svadhishthana, is explored over and over throughout TOOL's discography, but notably in the dark, murky themes of Undertow. Fittingly, Descending begins with the sound of an ocean. This is because the Svadhishthana is associated with water, crescent moons (our midnight), and the sea monsters. Other important terms may include "wanton slumber" and "stir," as this is a water chakra, and it is, of course, spinning. Once more, the movement from Muladhara to Svadhishthana is explored over and over throughout TOOL's discography.

Track 3: Fear Inoculum

Breathe in. Now exhale. Hold. Before inhaling, place your hand over your stomach, and you will feel it move when you inhale. Hold. This is your diaphragm. It controls your breathing, and it is the location of the third center, the Manipura (मणिपूर) the fullness of jewels. Now exhale. This is the higher self. We have moved beyond the contagion of the first two chakras, and we are moving away from the control of fear. This is also the chakra of your stomach, it is the chakra of digestion. Another method of cooking food is to use lemon juice. This is because the acid will mimic your own stomach acids and cook the food. It is not unlike a fly vomiting on food before it eats it. It is a kind of pre-digestion. Which is what cooking is. The poisons, bacteria, and viruses of the food are being removed. Now inhale. Hold. The symbol is fire. Which, if your are smoking, is required to produce smoke. It is the first step into the next level of being, and so it is associated with change. Your tale is no longer the same, and so you must separate yourself from visible, spectacle world or disease. How else would you move forward? The smoke rises up from the uncooked food and it is purified. This chakra is symbolized by the ram, as it begins its journey up the mountain side in search truth, moving away from the visible world of deception.

Track 4: Pneuma

Now exhale. We are still concerned with breath because we have only moved further toward it, into the lungs and heart. This is the third chakra, the Anahata (अनाहत) and it is associated with freeing yourself, release, the wind, and breath. This is the center of centers. It is where everything comes together, and so it is symbolized by the hexagram, which used throughout nature because it tiles well. While Svadhishthana concerns itself with primal sex, this is love. It is also the step after the Manipura, the fires of digestion and purification, and so it is moment after you have already digested the food. The two, prey and predator, become one. Now inhale. Hold. Let the air become you. Let it move through you. Now you are one. Exhale and your breath moves through all the plants and animals of earth, and in turn becomes the plants and animals. You are all one. The chakra is symbolized by the gazelle as moves freely like the wind. I should also mention "prana" means air as does pneuma.

Track 5: Culling Voices

While the gazelle moves freely like the wind, it also flees because something is hunting it. With deer this is often referred to as culling. Here we reach the fifth chakra, the Vishuddha (विशुद्ध) which is a kind of hyper-purification. Cooking an animal is no longer enough, and so certain animals, specifically those with disease, must be removed. While the previous four chakras were internal, this is the first chakra to concern itself with external judgement, because it is the chakra of speaking. If you keep your thoughts inside your head, no one knows you are psychotic. But when we talk we open ourselves up to judgement and anyone can call us a terrorist, insane, or not worthy to speak.

I should stop here, because the reading cannot go any further. This may be the last song, but that's not for me to say. When two people get in an argument the heart or manipura is activated as the individual becomes angry. So we turn around and lose our progress. Which isn't a bad thing so much as a choice to feel, hurt, love and remain human. But the more we let fear and anger take control of us, the more return to the primitive first chakra. So if you're still reading, I'm going to discuss the last two tracks as if we continued to move toward the seventh chakra.

Track 6: Invincible

Justin Chancellor, who has a great solo in this song, has said that the bassline 46&2 was one of the songs he brought with him into TOOL. And it immediately become one of the singles. 46&2 uses the line "soften this old armor" and in Invincible the armor is "wearing thin" and the "heavy shield [is] down." Strangely, in 46&2 this is something the band is searching for, where as in Invincible the emotions are more complex. This is the third eye. The Ajna (आज्ञा). I feel kind of like a hypocrite writing this part, because I'm writing this to make you guys think I am relevant. That I can do more than shit post? Maybe. I'm not sure. I usually stick to one liners. I'm really almost copying off of Prometheus here. I don't even think that TDN was ever that important to me. Not in the way that it was to some of the other veterans. I jumped on late, made a moderate amount of noise, and then abandoned this place without looking back until FI dropped. That said, the third eye, obviously is an eye, so, like, Maynard sees phantoms that other people don't so he must have magick powers like Danny's Lateralus drumming setup. The best comparison I can think of is the end of Lateralus though, where the moon reveals that the light is not its own. Then the song flows into Triad and ultimately the face of god. I feel better now that I said something honest.

Track 7: empest

If you could look the Ajna "dead in the eye" you would have been able to progress into the next chakra, the Sahasrara (सहस्रार). This is the great bliss. There is nothing to compare it to. I don't know how much place an individual has here. I'm sure there are some gurus out there that do. Whatever your idea of a guru is. If we turn to the album art for Fear Inoculum, we find Diem Turner, who is pictured with a head spiraling out into what could be a 7empest. It becomes his crown. Consider "GOD" written into Maynard's brain in the Lateralus art. This isn't a flowery reading. Although this stuff is usually depicted with lotus petals. This is true to its nature. Diem Turner's artist said he was supposed to be of noble blood. So I'll leave it to the ancient Egyptians to decide if "reign all over" or "rain all over" is a more powerful line. Now turn away from your TV. Turn away from your delusions and doubt. Remember that we are here in the physical world. In Muladhara. The great butt hole churning meat wheel. At least until we aren't.
"Oh... between a human being and a person? My money's on the computer"

Last edited by UlyssEEEeeeEEEeees; 12-23-2019 at 12:33 PM..
Old 12-23-2019, 12:26 PM   #1
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Starting at the Butt: An Alternate Track Order for Opening Your Chakras

Prometheus gave me the idea to re-order these tracks when he posted his alchemist track order. This is not entirely different, as there are only so many tracks on the CD, but here we go.

Track 1: Chocolate Chip Trip

Starting at the butt. The first chakra, the Muladhara (मूलाधार) or root chakra. This is at the root of your spine, right next to your butt. This is obviously where a TOOL should start. Danny wrote and recorder Chocolate Chip Trip alone in, supposedly, one take. While it is a mammoth and technically advanced soundscape, it is also a primal one. Not only did Danny claim to record this track alone, he also claimed to have stayed back at the studio while the other guys took a trip to the store. The Muladhara is the chakra grounding and rooting, so it creates our sense of belonging and place. Danny had rooted himself in the studio. This chakra is also symbolized by an elephant. The behemoth. And so, if TOOL has ever written a song that sounds like a stampede of elephants. This is the one. The title also refers to a physical object. A chocolate chip. This got TOOL a few laughs, because the band usually names songs after more cerebral experiences like stinkfisting and eulogies.

Track 2: Descending

While the second chakra appears to be located above the first, it is believed to actually reside beneath it. This is the Svadhishthana (स्वाधिष्ठान) or self. If the first chakra roots itself into the physical, primitive, and visible world, the Svadhishthana provides our first departure into the subconscious, post-physical existence. We are moving away from simple activities like pooping, and into reproduction. This is not a glorified kind of sex. It is the kind of sex Maynard talks about in the APC song The Package. It is an unconscious need to take what you believe to be yours. This mind set, the movement from Muladhara to Svadhishthana, is explored over and over throughout TOOL's discography, but notably in the dark, murky themes of Undertow. Fittingly, Descending begins with the sound of an ocean. This is because the Svadhishthana is associated with water, crescent moons (our midnight), and the sea monsters. Other important terms may include "wanton slumber" and "stir," as this is a water chakra, and it is, of course, spinning. Once more, the movement from Muladhara to Svadhishthana is explored over and over throughout TOOL's discography.

Track 3: Fear Inoculum

Breathe in. Now exhale. Hold. Before inhaling, place your hand over your stomach, and you will feel it move when you inhale. Hold. This is your diaphragm. It controls your breathing, and it is the location of the third center, the Manipura (मणिपूर) the fullness of jewels. Now exhale. This is the higher self. We have moved beyond the contagion of the first two chakras, and we are moving away from the control of fear. This is also the chakra of your stomach, it is the chakra of digestion. Another method of cooking food is to use lemon juice. This is because the acid will mimic your own stomach acids and cook the food. It is not unlike a fly vomiting on food before it eats it. It is a kind of pre-digestion. Which is what cooking is. The poisons, bacteria, and viruses of the food are being removed. Now inhale. Hold. The symbol is fire. Which, if your are smoking, is required to produce smoke. It is the first step into the next level of being, and so it is associated with change. Your tale is no longer the same, and so you must separate yourself from visible, spectacle world or disease. How else would you move forward? The smoke rises up from the uncooked food and it is purified. This chakra is symbolized by the ram, as it begins its journey up the mountain side in search truth, moving away from the visible world of deception.

Track 4: Pneuma

Now exhale. We are still concerned with breath because we have only moved further toward it, into the lungs and heart. This is the third chakra, the Anahata (अनाहत) and it is associated with freeing yourself, release, the wind, and breath. This is the center of centers. It is where everything comes together, and so it is symbolized by the hexagram, which used throughout nature because it tiles well. While Svadhishthana concerns itself with primal sex, this is love. It is also the step after the Manipura, the fires of digestion and purification, and so it is moment after you have already digested the food. The two, prey and predator, become one. Now inhale. Hold. Let the air become you. Let it move through you. Now you are one. Exhale and your breath moves through all the plants and animals of earth, and in turn becomes the plants and animals. You are all one. The chakra is symbolized by the gazelle as moves freely like the wind. I should also mention "prana" means air as does pneuma.

Track 5: Culling Voices

While the gazelle moves freely like the wind, it also flees because something is hunting it. With deer this is often referred to as culling. Here we reach the fifth chakra, the Vishuddha (विशुद्ध) which is a kind of hyper-purification. Cooking an animal is no longer enough, and so certain animals, specifically those with disease, must be removed. While the previous four chakras were internal, this is the first chakra to concern itself with external judgement, because it is the chakra of speaking. If you keep your thoughts inside your head, no one knows you are psychotic. But when we talk we open ourselves up to judgement and anyone can call us a terrorist, insane, or not worthy to speak.

I should stop here, because the reading cannot go any further. This may be the last song, but that's not for me to say. When two people get in an argument the heart or manipura is activated as the individual becomes angry. So we turn around and lose our progress. Which isn't a bad thing so much as a choice to feel, hurt, love and remain human. But the more we let fear and anger take control of us, the more return to the primitive first chakra. So if you're still reading, I'm going to discuss the last two tracks as if we continued to move toward the seventh chakra.

Track 6: Invincible

Justin Chancellor, who has a great solo in this song, has said that the bassline 46&2 was one of the songs he brought with him into TOOL. And it immediately become one of the singles. 46&2 uses the line "soften this old armor" and in Invincible the armor is "wearing thin" and the "heavy shield [is] down." Strangely, in 46&2 this is something the band is searching for, where as in Invincible the emotions are more complex. This is the third eye. The Ajna (आज्ञा). I feel kind of like a hypocrite writing this part, because I'm writing this to make you guys think I am relevant. That I can do more than shit post? Maybe. I'm not sure. I usually stick to one liners. I'm really almost copying off of Prometheus here. I don't even think that TDN was ever that important to me. Not in the way that it was to some of the other veterans. I jumped on late, made a moderate amount of noise, and then abandoned this place without looking back until FI dropped. That said, the third eye, obviously is an eye, so, like, Maynard sees phantoms that other people don't so he must have magick powers like Danny's Lateralus drumming setup. The best comparison I can think of is the end of Lateralus though, where the moon reveals that the light is not its own. Then the song flows into Triad and ultimately the face of god. I feel better now that I said something honest.

Track 7: empest

If you could look the Ajna "dead in the eye" you would have been able to progress into the next chakra, the Sahasrara (सहस्रार). This is the great bliss. There is nothing to compare it to. I don't know how much place an individual has here. I'm sure there are some gurus out there that do. Whatever your idea of a guru is. If we turn to the album art for Fear Inoculum, we find Diem Turner, who is pictured with a head spiraling out into what could be a 7empest. It becomes his crown. Consider "GOD" written into Maynard's brain in the Lateralus art. This isn't a flowery reading. Although this stuff is usually depicted with lotus petals. This is true to its nature. Diem Turner's artist said he was supposed to be of noble blood. So I'll leave it to the ancient Egyptians to decide if "reign all over" or "rain all over" is a more powerful line. Now turn away from your TV. Turn away from your delusions and doubt. Remember that we are here in the physical world. In Muladhara. The great butt hole churning meat wheel. At least until we aren't.
"Oh... between a human being and a person? My money's on the computer"

Last edited by UlyssEEEeeeEEEeees; 12-23-2019 at 12:33 PM..
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lotus.'s Avatar lotus.
12-23-2019, 04:20 PM
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I'm going to do this alternate track list tomorrow.

Great post!
I don't know where the sunbeams end
And the starlights begin
It's all a mystery
Old 12-23-2019, 04:20 PM   #2
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Re: Starting at the Butt: An Alternate Track Order for Opening Your Chakras

I'm going to do this alternate track list tomorrow.

Great post!
I don't know where the sunbeams end
And the starlights begin
It's all a mystery
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PrometheusRising's Avatar PrometheusRising
12-29-2019, 06:54 PM
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Credit for the Alchemist track order goes to Sleeper013

This is closer to The Great Turn than anything I've written.

But you've called to me, and have reminded me of a great many things.
The upward/downward struggle is real. I will study and practice what you've said.
To end, I will post this:

This Changes Everything.

Forget Not,

Old 12-29-2019, 06:54 PM   #3
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Re: Starting at the Butt: An Alternate Track Order for Opening Your Chakras

Credit for the Alchemist track order goes to Sleeper013

This is closer to The Great Turn than anything I've written.

But you've called to me, and have reminded me of a great many things.
The upward/downward struggle is real. I will study and practice what you've said.
To end, I will post this:

This Changes Everything.

Forget Not,

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11-25-2020, 05:08 PM
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Litanie Contre La Peur*
Legion Inoculant*
*Lipan Conjuring
Culling Voices
*Viginti Tres
*Chocolate Chip Trip**

Interludes in and out like the ebbs of Descendings intro/outro
Old 11-25-2020, 05:08 PM   #4
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Re: Starting at the Butt: An Alternate Track Order for Opening Your Chakras

Litanie Contre La Peur*
Legion Inoculant*
*Lipan Conjuring
Culling Voices
*Viginti Tres
*Chocolate Chip Trip**

Interludes in and out like the ebbs of Descendings intro/outro
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