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benjamin's Avatar benjamin
11-13-2010, 09:17 PM
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LOL at "official" !!
stop trying to pull me out of my self indulgant pitifull hole
Old 11-13-2010, 09:17 PM   #1281
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Re: 10 - Right In Two lyrics

LOL at "official" !!
stop trying to pull me out of my self indulgant pitifull hole
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benjamin's Avatar benjamin
11-13-2010, 09:21 PM
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official means nothing. That's why this is called "what's he saying??"

and I officially think he's saying "over words, over writing."
stop trying to pull me out of my self indulgant pitifull hole
Old 11-13-2010, 09:21 PM   #1282
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Re: 10 - Right In Two lyrics

official means nothing. That's why this is called "what's he saying??"

and I officially think he's saying "over words, over writing."
stop trying to pull me out of my self indulgant pitifull hole
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Neurotripsicks's Avatar Neurotripsicks
04-14-2012, 10:54 PM
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I never understood why this album gets negative reviews, it's truly a masterpiece. Okay, I'd like to discuss the connection between Intension and Right in Two and elaborate a little on how important the message is within the song(s) and how it can and should affect us all on a daily basis. First we have Intension. I'm not going to delve into my personal experiences and/or thoughts/beliefs with this song but I can say the message it strikes is crystal clear. After a few listens one can truly understand and appreciate it as a mantra of the "Alpha", how we started, where we are now, where we should be as a race and eventually what will become in the future, which is inevitable. This brings up the next segment to this transition, Right in Two; which I will dub "Omega". Remember in Intension "pure as light return to 'one'", which I can't stress how significant it has become to the tracks thus far. Now in Right in Two, "when there's 'one' we're bound to divide it, right in two". Light - Dark. Period. When we're "one" we're whole, when we're seperated, we're constantly confused and lacking communication with one another. They want to seperate us, we're easier to control this way. With the crescendo in the outro, climax, it builds up to one striking verse. "Angels on the sideline again, benched along with patience and reason" so forth. Watching us kill each other and making weapons instead of progressing as a race and making tools. I can literally go on and on about this masterpiece, but that's my own opinion about the subject. Everyone has their own interpretation on various things, just remember that the core connotation behind these tracks are universal. Never forget we are all ONE consciousness and the eyes of love see us all as one.

Old 04-14-2012, 10:54 PM   #1283
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Re: 10 - Right In Two lyrics

I never understood why this album gets negative reviews, it's truly a masterpiece. Okay, I'd like to discuss the connection between Intension and Right in Two and elaborate a little on how important the message is within the song(s) and how it can and should affect us all on a daily basis. First we have Intension. I'm not going to delve into my personal experiences and/or thoughts/beliefs with this song but I can say the message it strikes is crystal clear. After a few listens one can truly understand and appreciate it as a mantra of the "Alpha", how we started, where we are now, where we should be as a race and eventually what will become in the future, which is inevitable. This brings up the next segment to this transition, Right in Two; which I will dub "Omega". Remember in Intension "pure as light return to 'one'", which I can't stress how significant it has become to the tracks thus far. Now in Right in Two, "when there's 'one' we're bound to divide it, right in two". Light - Dark. Period. When we're "one" we're whole, when we're seperated, we're constantly confused and lacking communication with one another. They want to seperate us, we're easier to control this way. With the crescendo in the outro, climax, it builds up to one striking verse. "Angels on the sideline again, benched along with patience and reason" so forth. Watching us kill each other and making weapons instead of progressing as a race and making tools. I can literally go on and on about this masterpiece, but that's my own opinion about the subject. Everyone has their own interpretation on various things, just remember that the core connotation behind these tracks are universal. Never forget we are all ONE consciousness and the eyes of love see us all as one.

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12-25-2017, 08:18 AM
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I know this thread is ancient as internet things go. I just wanted to add my two cents. I'm making a lyric video for this song but I've struggled with the "Fight" section of lyrics. After looking at many lyric pages, including the so-called "official" lyrics, and not being satisfied with any of them, I finally decided to go it alone. Most of the section is pretty clear to me at this point. I've listened to it multiple times and at many different speeds. There are still a couple of words I'm uncertain of and I've highlighted them with square brackets in the transcription below. I'll take any criticisms and suggestions. I don't expect to see any, though. It looks like this thread is pretty dead at this point. Anyway, this is what I've got:

over cloud, over Earth, over sky
for love, over [God], over air and light
Over love, over sun, over [another]
They fight for the [climb]
For the ones
Who are rising
Old 12-25-2017, 08:18 AM   #1284
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Re: 10 - Right In Two lyrics

I know this thread is ancient as internet things go. I just wanted to add my two cents. I'm making a lyric video for this song but I've struggled with the "Fight" section of lyrics. After looking at many lyric pages, including the so-called "official" lyrics, and not being satisfied with any of them, I finally decided to go it alone. Most of the section is pretty clear to me at this point. I've listened to it multiple times and at many different speeds. There are still a couple of words I'm uncertain of and I've highlighted them with square brackets in the transcription below. I'll take any criticisms and suggestions. I don't expect to see any, though. It looks like this thread is pretty dead at this point. Anyway, this is what I've got:

over cloud, over Earth, over sky
for love, over [God], over air and light
Over love, over sun, over [another]
They fight for the [climb]
For the ones
Who are rising
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Spideymon77's Avatar Spideymon77
06-16-2018, 09:06 PM
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I hear: They fight for the cloud, over air, over sky. They fight over life, over blood, over air and light/fight (light and fight are mixed together). Over love, over sun, over another/they (again, mixed) fight for eachother, for (maybe or) the ones who are rising.
Think for yourself, question authority.
Old 06-16-2018, 09:06 PM   #1285
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Re: 10 - Right In Two lyrics

I hear: They fight for the cloud, over air, over sky. They fight over life, over blood, over air and light/fight (light and fight are mixed together). Over love, over sun, over another/they (again, mixed) fight for eachother, for (maybe or) the ones who are rising.
Think for yourself, question authority.
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