Hey a fair while ago i was listening to some tool on youtube and just wallowing in the music videos and found this awesome vid with a very sober feel. there were two characters, a decrepit man like creature and a woman creature. the man peers through a hole in the wall between their apartments and sees her hang herself. if you're not familiar with it i won't spoil it because it's an amazing video, but i can't seem to find it anywhere (probably cause i can't remember what song was dubbed over it).
If anyone can provide a link i would be extremely grateful.
I think I remember it was a fan music video of a Tool song. I've seen it too. I forget which song, I think it was Pushit. I'll try to see if I can find it.
__________________ Think for yourself, question authority.
[QUOTE=Stephen Kong;3187562]Push-it, but crazy video. As a single man, can I say this? I have about 13 or 14 would be girlfriends, and no way would I lift my blanket to some multifaceted slut, if she became desperate and looking for a man. Seriously, they'll present a dream in front of you andc expect you to commit your most sacred deed, and you don't even know it because in your dream and you're honest. Secrets! The total make out though, not sure what you were aiming for, is very amateurish, and I wouldn't be proud to show it to my mother. Sorry, but not good. The other night I was felt with the quote, "nothing is impossible," and it fitted very nicely. Imaggine Trump hearing the news before the election, believe[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=lotus.;3187909]I let loose a rude fart from reading this.[/QUOTE]
i see my goal has been met. the next logical step is hanging myself in the living room while my jack russell terrier has the shits under my dangling feet.
i dont think about myself often or too deeply to have such negative thoughts, also im way too optimistic too carry a thing like that out. tomorrows another day i assume, even if its the same day everyday. and about the hotdogs...i do enjoy a good beef frank and the time i ate 12 grams of mushrooms and managed to mix a pinch of salvia with a dash of dmt during the peak of the trip i found a hotdog vendor in a park with a red and yellow stripped suit and hat, pushing his index finger to his lips as if he was telling me to hush myself, in his other hand i could see he was offering me a fresh steamy hotdog. i did indeed want that juicy beef frank but the vision started fading and the pages started filling back in as the zipper closed around me. i have thoughts on what this all meant but i never had to know the answer.
I'm with you on that. This phantom wiener was sans catsup. I would of accepted a few diced vadelia and a good dill relish used sparingly if I had the option.
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