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Old 08-28-2007, 11:38 AM   #1
Level 10 - Vehement
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"sinister contact"


here's what happened... and what i took from the experience...
('cause i was high)

two days ago i found myself reading a book entitled "bill hicks: agent of evolution" by kevin booth ...i was moderately baked, and intensely inspired (as it often goes). searching around my bedroom*, i quickly came across a ripped up mathematic puzzles book (an old soft-cover that i had collected diagrams and various phi-related formulas and theorems from). the first few pages were covered in text, but once i found a page to draw upon i nearly jumped into it, "alright, let's do some freehand". before i did, however, i stopped myself upon the idea of 'freehand' and decided, "no, no ...the LEFT hand has more of a connection to the abstract mind". the right-hemisphere. i closed my eyes, cleared my mind, grabbed the pen with my left hand, and went to work. a few seconds later, after finishing, i was left to analyze. to my amazement, i came up with the above picture. and apparently i had started at what i now understand as the "third eye" (i've angled the image so that a small beam of light could translate the sight from the woman's pineal gland).

it's obvious that the woman is happy. with a wide grin on her face, there's nothing but joy to experience or reflect. perhaps a "words can't describe... " would be suitable here. euphoria.

without knowing it, i started the drawing at the third eye, using a single line for everything. this suggests unity conciousness to me. the character that is drawn (as "memory") looks a lot like my friend and roommate, dave, who LOVES eastern philosophies and finding truth. not only that, but HIS third eye seems to devour his glasses from out of his own forehead - as if to say "well, let's try seeing in another light". it makes perfect sense. the guy never judges and will always try to understand you. too strange.

at some point, i felt the drawing would require a division, to signify a polarity conciousness. this is understood through the yin-yang. there's a cut down the woman's face as if to indicate a seperatation of dark from light. good from evil, etc. is the light shining down upon this mystery woman? or is she in the shade (while hell burns from below)? although a popular translation of the ancient, sacred symbol ...the yin-yang equates two causes, but a third entity also exists. a "result" is shown by the "s" curve. thus, the yin-yang marks a balance found between two opposing forces. the infamous triad. (heh, any zelda fans?). basically, polarity consciousness is a lie (now go look for the hypocrascies that THEY're using to control us - within this consensus reality). look (and really LOOK), you can't have one without the other; a oneness must be realized.

notice the triad here ...the moment, the single line flowing from out of the third eye, moving as if to create, unfold, and heal. before moving around her face, towards her heart, the line moves over her right eye and bounces off of her nose to form her beautiful smile. but then delussion seeps into the heart. and a giving polarity conciousness prevails. this or that, and nothing inbetween.

the moment fades.

also interesting ..."for j.h.g. who likes to tackle puzzles big enough to walk upon". the thank you note page. it could've said anything ...but the math that i've included, integrating spiritual being (awareness) ..."coincidence" just doesn't seem to do it.

iiiiiiiiiii'd have to chalk this one up to synchronicity (again).

* a sacred space i've designed to incorporate the five elements, twelve great m.. the great year, and the dimensions of the great pyramid (which in itself actually depicts the exact properties of a circle, equilateral triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, the five platonic solids, phi, earth:moon ratio, the 3-4-5 triangle and all of those neat astrological things).
i know, shit!
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Old 09-01-2007, 01:44 PM   #2
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Re: "sinister contact"

That's real nice and all, but it looks like you gave a little kid a pen and he scribbled a little.
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Old 09-03-2007, 07:34 PM   #3
Level 8 - Vociferous
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Re: "sinister contact"

yea i dont really buy that long explanation at all
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Old 09-04-2007, 12:41 PM   #4
Level 10 - Vehement
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Re: "sinister contact"

perhaps something could be drawn from the (ranted) experience, rather than the piece of paper.
i know, shit!
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