In the Crowley book Moon Child the character Simon Iff describes our experince of the human soul as a parabola. This idea may be part of the inspiration for this song. Read it. Discuss it.
I don't know. The only Crowley book I've read is Moon Child (and a tiny bit of the Egyptian Tarot book).
deffinitely check out the one he wrote simply titled Magick / book four Liber ABA its a gem of knowledge and theres much to be gained from it but even a modern print is going to run about 80$ new but i assure you its well worth it along with another titled Gems from the equinox and Liber 777 which is basicly an occult encylclopedia and reference from tarot to gemetria to ritual and astrology. i originally stayed away from crowley because i prejudged him as a crazy ego maniac but ignoring his persona and reading his material has granted me much insofar when applied practically to life. best of luck in your travels
In the Crowley book Moon Child the character Simon Iff describes our experince of the human soul as a parabola. This idea may be part of the inspiration for this song. Read it. Discuss it.
If you could provide us with some quotes from that particular scene we don't have to go out and buy the book.
Seriously, you can easily put more substance in a thread like this to make your point instead of just saying; "Hey, i think... ... discuss!".