The other day i wa slike ya no chillin watchin TV and i also had Œnema playin in the kitchen so i could hear it too Then when it stared the show was like started to go with it (i really love this hsow so i watch it all the time and this never happend ) but you know how tool is all like intesnse music and shit. well so is the show and like eulogy like kinda is slow and stupid in the very begining )i dont like the begining its real gay) well after that part and like when the sghow startes getting good and stuuf io could kin of like hear it start ti like relate or something and like for exemple when maynerd says "STANDING OVER THE CROWD HE HAS A VOICE SO STRONG AND SO SLOUD" Clark Cent from smallville was like yelling It was sick man listen to it
If anyone want to dicuss smallvill IM me at Redhawk979
but you know how tool is all like intesnse music and shit. well so is the show and like eulogy like kinda is slow and stupid in the very begining )i dont like the begining its real gay)
dude.. go buy a linkin park album or something
__________________ Smashing Pumpkins sounds like a bag of shit doing a cartwheel.
The other day i wa slike ya no chillin watchin TV and i also had Œnema playin in the kitchen so i could hear it too Then when it stared the show was like started to go with it (i really love this hsow so i watch it all the time and this never happend ) but you know how tool is all like intesnse music and shit. well so is the show and like eulogy like kinda is slow and stupid in the very begining )i dont like the begining its real gay) well after that part and like when the sghow startes getting good and stuuf io could kin of like hear it start ti like relate or something and like for exemple when maynerd says "STANDING OVER THE CROWD HE HAS A VOICE SO STRONG AND SO SLOUD" Clark Cent from smallville was like yelling It was sick man listen to it
If anyone want to dicuss smallvill IM me at Redhawk979
The other day i wa slike ya no chillin watchin TV and i also had Œnema playin in the kitchen so i could hear it too Then when it stared the show was like started to go with it (i really love this hsow so i watch it all the time and this never happend ) but you know how tool is all like intesnse music and shit. well so is the show and like eulogy like kinda is slow and stupid in the very begining )i dont like the begining its real gay) well after that part and like when the sghow startes getting good and stuuf io could kin of like hear it start ti like relate or something and like for exemple when maynerd says "STANDING OVER THE CROWD HE HAS A VOICE SO STRONG AND SO SLOUD" Clark Cent from smallville was like yelling It was sick man listen to it
If anyone want to dicuss smallvill IM me at Redhawk979
LMAO <shakes head in disbelief>
wait... this guy is a "very deep thinker"?!?! wtf... oh well
__________________ whenever I run into someone who expresses a feeling along the lines of "I don't read fantasy or go to any of those movies; none of it's real|", I feel a kind of sympathy. They simply can't lift the weight of fantasy. The muscles of imagination have grown too weak.
Stephen King
__________________ Sorry, I should clarify. I ment that either way their concerts are far too long for a terrible faux-prog metal nu-rock airhead shitwank boy-band, and that they should be banned from palying music altogether. - mope