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Old 08-28-2013, 04:20 AM   #1
Level 7 - Loquacious
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Our view point towards all external state of affairs is a synonymous duplication of our view of ourselves. We are fractally identical pieces of our perspective of the greater societal body surrounding us, nothing more nothing less. Our dissension with external governing forces is a mere reflection of our own inner discord with our individual self-control, our internal authority, our personal self-discipline. Our Id and Ego exchange conspiratory plots to rebel against the Superego.

At our core, we are simply ever-changing replicas of how we perceive the world, we are the sculptures of perceptual existence and our perceptions continually manifest. My judgement of humanity is siamese to my own self-judgement. My opinion that our culture is far lost into a dark state of decadence is mirror-imaged by my own self-opinion. But, not only is the negativity reflected, the positivity too crosses the threshold between internal and ex. I am blurring the lines of separation, no longer will I point the grubby fingers of blame to something outside, for the blame exclusively lies within. Our actions fuel reflexively equal and opposite reactions both within and without ourselves. We are the chauffeurs of destiny, our beliefs drive our thoughts, our thoughts drive our choices, our choices drive our actions, and our actions drive existence. We must reprimand the miscreants defiling our walls within, vandalizing our paradise inside. We are our own Big Brother, our own security guard falling asleep at the surveillance station with slobber running down our double chins and dunkin donut crumbs scattered on our wrinkled shirts. We are own coffee-stained society, our own expanding girth. It's time for us to stand up, to prove our own self-worth. We must find shelter for the homeless vagrants roaming the dark streets of our minds. We must feed our inner goodness instead of prematurely putting it on the battle fronts against evil. We are sending our youthful soldiers of morality to an early grave, we must de-enlist them from this fruitless civil self-war, enroll them to mend the schism within, to serve up warm nutrition in the soup kitchen of our destitute minds, to properly clothe our impoverished souls, to educate our morally illiterate selves, to empower us with the knowledge, skill, and allegiance to do right and not wrong.
Say hello to my frontal lobe.
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