Could it be that the video is about having a split personality? One half is good, the feminine one, and the other is bad, the masculine one. The women removes the the bad part of the man, the "vein" from his neck, yet it overcomes her in the end, when the creatures attatch to her, then allow the bad part to connect with her and they combine together.
Anyway. I never looked at it that way and I havent even noticed that the feminine side was 'helping' the other side. Also, that doesnt mean the feminine side is the good side just because she helps the other one.
Well, she takes the vein out of his neck, which I see as being portrayed as like an evil. For a while, it's trying to get out, so it's removed by her. Or it could be the other way around, she's the bad one. With veins, you have to have a heart, they go hand in hand. The people look gray, and cold. She removes the vein because she doesn't want him to have feelings or his sense of compassion? "Cold silence has, a tendency to, atrophy any, sense of compassion."
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
Makes sense to me. Though, in the beginning there is one vein, but later their are like 4,5 that are biting themselves on that feminine character. Why is that, how did they get there?
Explain why she gets his ear then. I never really searched too deep in this Video (never did with anyone of them). Dude, how did you came up with this?!
I haven't come up with any real good ideas about that but im working on that Even when she removes it, the inside of him turns from gray and dead, to red, and alive. Also after his ear is removed, he starts touching his chest near his heart. Again, he's starting to have compassion maybe? I don't know. I came up with these ideas on the video after watching it a couple times over and over.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
Wait, "Cold SILENCE has a tendency to, atrophy any, sense of compassion" with no ear, (hearing) there is silence. She removes his ear as a way to take away any compassion that he is feeling.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
Diabloator? What is that? Also, to answer your question before, the 4 or 5 creatures came from the vein, after the blood started coming out of it when it was on the ground. It comes up dripping first, then turns into it's "natural" form.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
The Diabloator is that guy at the end of the video, with the bigger head then the others. He appears when you see the flames flaming at the rhythm of the music.
I never seemed to know why they put that idiot in it.
Thats when the two come people come together,the women and the man, to form one person. I think that the creatures that were biting her face, were feelings suddenly taking over her. Before that, the man, when the smoke is surrounding him, looks mad. Maybe he was angry that the women was stopping him from having any feelings. You can also see her screaming in the background while all that is happening.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
Awesome. I never heard that dude.
Explain me the next thing then, what about the beginning. You see some kind of cling (?) that is suppose to show some kind of time? Also, it has 3 signs - first one being some kind of scale - second being a butterfly, or some kind of animal that can fly - third being something similar as the thing that its on. So, it ticks. Maybe saying that it is waiting for something?
Anyway, that was really confusing;
Did you notice that the veins look alot like the feminine characters hair?!
'There was a time that the pieces fit' - you see the feminine character move along a wall.
'but I watched them fall away' - you see the other character hiding.
The rest of it behind it, you see her bending, hands and feet on the floor and banging with her head. The guy character comes in later.
I have no fucking idea what the thing is at the beginning and the end. I'll try to figure it out. But yeah, the feminine ones hair does look like the veins. Maybe it means that she took out all feelings from herself before, or it could just be hair.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
Later in the video her hair starts growing over her face after the veins bit in her head. First the one, then the other two too (there are three in total hanging on her skin).
Also, a thing that fits in perfectly with your thought. You see the feminine character move the other one around in the beginning of the video. Maybe the veins were some kind of feelings that he start feeling.
I'll explain; the feminine character (#1) is controlling the other character (#2) his life. She moves him around the floor, doing things to him. Then later on you see him hiding for her, trying to escape. 'I've done the math enough to know the dangers of a second guessing' 'Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication.' This means that they must become one, or something between the lines.
The veins that she brings out could also reflect his feelings. They help him get through to her, by biting into her head. Making the hairs grow (maybe speeding up her life). That's when she learns to communicate (she first didnt want to, you can see that because she is pulling out his ear).
At the end they become one because they streghten their communication. 'Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion between supposed lovers/brothers' They are lovers/brothers. They cant live without each other.
Does this make any sense compared with your theory's?!
They go along just great with mine. I didn't really explain or think about the beginning part, and I see exactly waht you mean. I have one idea that is separate from yours though. The part when it says, "Between supposed lovers/brothers," is when I think that he is angry and how could his "Supposed lover and brother" do that to him. Other then that, I agree with you totally.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
I see that we are on one line here, that is good.
I dont understand what you mean with the 'floor' thing. Do you mean when she carves two circles into the floor with his head? Or that she pulls him out of the floor?!
When she pulls him out of the floor. Is it because there is a difference between the two? At that time
"I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away, Mildewed and smoldering, Fundamental differing. Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion, Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication. The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so" is playing. Is it a disagreement?
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
I dont know for sure if that could be a disagreement;
'I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing.
Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication'
You see her going down in one part, then the other part you see her feet going up, probably meaning she is stuck between 2 worlds. Maybe her own and that of the other character (see lyric)
'set two lovers souls in motion' - probably means the 2 circles. I think they stand for each character, she being the middle, he being the outsider.
The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.'
Before they sing this part, you see her pulling him out of the floor. I think this means that the 'fire' probably some problem, has forced a hole between their souls. 'we cannot see to reach an end' - there is no ending (yet) for the silence, cause there is no communication.
I dont really know if this fits in with the rest, but I do know that it must have something to do with the hole that is between them. Maybe the part that is between the two circles that she craves on the ground.
Well, my point of view was created by your post. I just started to think of it the same way and I started to recollect some of the things I felt along with it, while watching.
You think you understand the video. You don't. The only thing you understand are your own point of view and that one of mine. We never know if that is the right meaning behind the video, or not.
Well, thats what I mean. It's better to have an understanding of something, even if it's just your own point of view on it, then not have any clue about it at all.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
I couldnt agree with you more on that. I'm still cracking up my brain to figure out what the possibilaty's are. Why the hell does she uses him to carve two circles into the ground. Man, I hate it that I cant find an answer to this.
I MAY have an idea about the circles now. In the beginning of the video duding Mantra, there is that circle thing. There is a circle inside of that circle? Could her drawing it on the ground represent that thing? Also, the middle symbol on the thing during Mantra is all over the place in the Parabola video in the beginning of it.
__________________ "On our earth we can truly love only with suffering and through suffering."
Heh, you want to connect the Schism video to the Parabola video?
I think you may have a good point there, that the thing at the beginning reflects something that happens later on in the video. Damn, maybe we are over-analyzing right now.
why does the room pan up and down at the beginning, the room with the big x on the wall, and why are there strings or wires in that room running horizontally, i don't get that
i think that being in a relationship like this and having children causes the kids to have split personalities and fight with themselves much like his/her parents did
i think this video is about a terrible relationship which is caused by bad or lack of communication between two supposed lovers
True, I think thats why the female figure removes the ear of the male figure. She wants him to listen to her but he doesn't so she nags nags nags. That's why he's shown being attacked by MOUTH creatures. When they're both bent over on all fours seems to me they are perfoming a mating call. After they are done they show both of them sharing a bed and in the end become one. Sex essentially is a connection between two entities in away that they become one.(realistically only last a few minutes at times haha) As a result a human with a balance of both fem/mas attributes is manifested. I'm not sure what the ring/scale looking thing at the end of the video is but I thought it was showing the balance brought upon by the joing of female/male entities.