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Apachana's Avatar Apachana
04-11-2007, 04:59 PM
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You forget that when 2 wills oppose, both cant win although they both intent to.
Thus the whole conflict is born. the Original will of the creator was "will to move" movement needs 2.
thus the original will of god is actually "will to conflict"
so the true face of creation is thus: Vicarious will. resulting in an eternal "Right in two" scenario.
Until we die and become part of one again.
Then we wish to return to a state of seperation, and are reborn from one.
thus he hopes for the third option. A resolution that will compromise the fulcrum between the two. A third option:resolution = flaming stealth banana third-eye.
what I'm hearing in jambi:

"dim my eyes. -Oneness. All and nothing
cheer my eyes -vicarious happyness from seperation. sex m+f
tear my eyes salvation -Flaming syealth banana salvation
compromise the fulcrum"

The sun shines its guiding light leading us through the test back to one.

"Is this a test? it has to be.!

post notum:
(vicarious god: god wanted to behold himself.So he created his mirror twin. so god actually vicariously wanted to take his own image from himself. conflict making him become two. This is conflict. Anima and animus.)

Last edited by Apachana; 04-11-2007 at 05:06 PM..
Old 04-11-2007, 04:59 PM   #41
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Re: Move by will alone...?

You forget that when 2 wills oppose, both cant win although they both intent to.
Thus the whole conflict is born. the Original will of the creator was "will to move" movement needs 2.
thus the original will of god is actually "will to conflict"
so the true face of creation is thus: Vicarious will. resulting in an eternal "Right in two" scenario.
Until we die and become part of one again.
Then we wish to return to a state of seperation, and are reborn from one.
thus he hopes for the third option. A resolution that will compromise the fulcrum between the two. A third option:resolution = flaming stealth banana third-eye.
what I'm hearing in jambi:

"dim my eyes. -Oneness. All and nothing
cheer my eyes -vicarious happyness from seperation. sex m+f
tear my eyes salvation -Flaming syealth banana salvation
compromise the fulcrum"

The sun shines its guiding light leading us through the test back to one.

"Is this a test? it has to be.!

post notum:
(vicarious god: god wanted to behold himself.So he created his mirror twin. so god actually vicariously wanted to take his own image from himself. conflict making him become two. This is conflict. Anima and animus.)

Last edited by Apachana; 04-11-2007 at 05:06 PM..
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04-13-2007, 01:36 PM
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Makes a lot of sense. What you just said is exactly (as I understand it) how the sephiroth flowed into and gave birth to each other.
Kether-1, the point moving becomes the line Chokmah-2. Then when the line has reached a point, any point, it does something new. It changes direction yet continues to extend itself. Through triangulation the third line forms, now not at any angle or any distance but at the precise angle that it must to form the plane Binah-3. Now for the first time there is a within and a without. Actually the simplest form of a circle seems to be a triangle.
Old 04-13-2007, 01:36 PM   #42
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Re: Move by will alone...?

Makes a lot of sense. What you just said is exactly (as I understand it) how the sephiroth flowed into and gave birth to each other.
Kether-1, the point moving becomes the line Chokmah-2. Then when the line has reached a point, any point, it does something new. It changes direction yet continues to extend itself. Through triangulation the third line forms, now not at any angle or any distance but at the precise angle that it must to form the plane Binah-3. Now for the first time there is a within and a without. Actually the simplest form of a circle seems to be a triangle.
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Aboulia's Avatar Aboulia
01-06-2009, 12:21 AM
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lol, so I came here thinking I might be able to figure out if these songs are supportive or critical of free-will. And now I see that nobody can really figure it out.

Well, it is sufficient for me to 'know' that free-will is false and I can only hope others are able to see it with clarity. To explain why I 'know' this is the case would require a brief treatise on knowledge. To know something is, at bottom, to have been exposed to it, to have experienced it. Let us say for arguments sake that I knew I had free-will. In order to justify that knowledge I would have to relate to, at the very least, the experience of being a free-willing entity. Without having experienced it I could not have any knowledge of it. Then my very knowledge is dependent on a circumstance, as was my initial experience. Supposing I had no impressions on my mind to provide knowledge, I would be in a state of emptiness/inaction. In this state I have no will to speak of.

Even to say "I" denotes an entity distinguishable from other things. The very fact of my existence depends upon the existence of other things. Indeed, existence comes from the latin "existere" meaning; to be manifest, to appear.

I can give no reason for being free, let alone believing I am free. As a reason is a causal dependency. To ask the question why, presupposes a causal necessity. I cannot therefor profess to know that I am free, or explain how. It is reason, that very thing which is spoken highly of in the lyrics, which is an expression of the causal order. Verily I cannot think myself free.
"Belief is an obligatory position" - AronRa
Old 01-06-2009, 12:21 AM   #43
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Re: Move by will alone...?

lol, so I came here thinking I might be able to figure out if these songs are supportive or critical of free-will. And now I see that nobody can really figure it out.

Well, it is sufficient for me to 'know' that free-will is false and I can only hope others are able to see it with clarity. To explain why I 'know' this is the case would require a brief treatise on knowledge. To know something is, at bottom, to have been exposed to it, to have experienced it. Let us say for arguments sake that I knew I had free-will. In order to justify that knowledge I would have to relate to, at the very least, the experience of being a free-willing entity. Without having experienced it I could not have any knowledge of it. Then my very knowledge is dependent on a circumstance, as was my initial experience. Supposing I had no impressions on my mind to provide knowledge, I would be in a state of emptiness/inaction. In this state I have no will to speak of.

Even to say "I" denotes an entity distinguishable from other things. The very fact of my existence depends upon the existence of other things. Indeed, existence comes from the latin "existere" meaning; to be manifest, to appear.

I can give no reason for being free, let alone believing I am free. As a reason is a causal dependency. To ask the question why, presupposes a causal necessity. I cannot therefor profess to know that I am free, or explain how. It is reason, that very thing which is spoken highly of in the lyrics, which is an expression of the causal order. Verily I cannot think myself free.
"Belief is an obligatory position" - AronRa
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07-28-2012, 11:19 PM
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I see it as we move by will alone, changing the intensionality of the objects in our reality.
Old 07-28-2012, 11:19 PM   #44
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Re: Move by will alone...?

I see it as we move by will alone, changing the intensionality of the objects in our reality.
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