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Old 05-18-2019, 05:26 PM   #1
Level 7 - Loquacious
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Community Service

I stretched my curious hands into a set of powdery gloves. . . to examine a slimy, pink, bulbous orifice that protruded from the sink drain at my local community center. It was warm and inviting, so I put two praying hands together and took a slow-motion dive into the portal of pink goopy plasma.

Immediately upon entry, I was anesthetized into a blissful warm coma. My body quickly configured into a fetal position as my mind swirled and cyclone'd with suctioning, shearing force through a fleshy venous tube into a state of well-numbed pain. . . . . There I waited.

I was dreaming. . . in a shell. Seeing constant visions, geometric, overlapping circles that endlessly expanded from individual points of origin. . . a mantra emerged and erupted endlessly in my head. . . . . a shepard tone. . .sounding off. . . . vesica piscis vesica piscis vesica piscis.

Each new tone's beginning vibrated my pocket of plasma, I was floating. . . . bobbing in waves of warmth. . adrift upon an insensible elephant ear, pink and veinous, throbbing with pulsatile flow.

I heard laughing. . . and I laughed, underwater, silently drowning yet vitalized in this nutritious viscosity. The laugh left me smiling and content. . .and I drifted off into another dream within what already seemed to be a dream.

My head was split open like a peanut shell and out walked a small homuncular being with skin as soft and smooth as an egg white, shimmering and glimmering. Yet, it didn't look with the normal set of two eyes, they were shut and lifeless. While a single lidless eye sat upon its brow and penetrated, questionlessly, every cell in my body.

An eye without questions. An eye that only contained answers. An unassuming eye, an eye that didn't require interpretation. It only left me with a feeling of wholeness, a feeling that dissolved any concept of duality and melted all of my over-analytical neurons into an electro-chemical soup of simple, unified consciousness, devolving my modern mind into that of a primal being, completely, wholly, unquestionably, one and the same with the reality around me. Not separate. No distinction between my body, my self, and my atoms and the particles that I mobilized through. I am merely a continuation, seamless and fluid, of the molecules that form me, fuel me, feel me, and heal me. I was no longer a droplet searching for my fluid pocket of warm familiarity. I was the ocean.

Sloppily, coughing and gagging, I was awoken after an apparent syncopal episode that my body perceived to be an experience of death. Turns out a juvenile removed the plumbing fixtures under said sink and superglued the rectum of a dead animal upside down in lieu of said fixtures. Thank goodness for pineal glands. . .
Say hello to my frontal lobe.
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