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Old 09-27-2006, 07:17 PM   #26
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Re: Stereoscopic image (made by me)

Hey MT, just seen this thread + to be honest i think yours work better than any of the photographic ones. The Grand Canyon had such scope but you just get a random bloke on a rock in the foreground, mebbe sumthin in the middleground (i forget, im pissed + its late) and then the canyon in the back. It looked to me like separate photos arranged at different distances, each one entirely flat. The graded shading on your numbered circles really helps them leap out of the screen, and you can let your eyes wander down the blue line as it projects towards you. Similar with the cone, although i do agree that it should perhaps be a little more subtle. Its all about tricking the mind, and i reckon doing that with photographs would involve some serious messing about in photoshop or whatever, you'd have to really enhance the interocular distance at the legs of the bloke in comparison with the head and arm. The most effective of Tool's SSIs (the fiery serpent or the semitranslucent figurent with the spiralling grey spheres + bars) work so well cuz they're abstractions of instantly recognisable images with simpler, although very well rendered, shapes reaching in and out of the page. When the effect works well it can be surprisingly (or maybe not) similar to psychedelics: i once saw (on the only occasion i've managed to get hold of powerful acid D:) a double-helical golden spiral rising up out of the floor that held its structural integrity as i moved around it

Last edited by IxCheltab; 09-27-2006 at 07:19 PM..
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