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implandnoises's Avatar implandnoises
05-13-2006, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by HeavenLost
Well it becomes a rant again. I'll try to drag it back on track.
The WHOLE point of this is to see the connections from Tool to Christianity. Someone doesn't tell you they were saved from 'the devil and his own' by a 'benevolent son' who 'changed that all for me. lifted me up, turned me round' and not mean Christ. Lifting you up and turning you around, bringing out of darkness; all that is what Christ does. Maynard leaves no room for debate in that.
I am sorry but, come on. "lifted me up, turned me round" could refer to anyone. Just because you believe that is what Christ does, it does not mean that is what someone else is talking about when they have that experience. And it really could be "benevolent sun", surely the sun shines too? Maynard leaves plenty of room for debate.
Old 05-13-2006, 06:01 AM   #100
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Re: From Maynards Own Mouth

Originally Posted by HeavenLost
Well it becomes a rant again. I'll try to drag it back on track.
The WHOLE point of this is to see the connections from Tool to Christianity. Someone doesn't tell you they were saved from 'the devil and his own' by a 'benevolent son' who 'changed that all for me. lifted me up, turned me round' and not mean Christ. Lifting you up and turning you around, bringing out of darkness; all that is what Christ does. Maynard leaves no room for debate in that.
I am sorry but, come on. "lifted me up, turned me round" could refer to anyone. Just because you believe that is what Christ does, it does not mean that is what someone else is talking about when they have that experience. And it really could be "benevolent sun", surely the sun shines too? Maynard leaves plenty of room for debate.
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