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Old 05-08-2003, 09:57 AM   #28
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Re: We are all one mind

Originally posted by Metalanarchist
If society is the collective mind of humankind, then what say you to dissident groups within a society? There seems to be a plurality of minds to me.
As much as I'd like to say that 'we are all one mind' there's no way that I could offer up any proof. After all, this is just speculation, right? Even 'Reverend Maynard' isn't so bullet-proof that he could back up the claim. Really, the term in words is a vehicle to convey an idea...and one worth talking about, obviously.

One point of attack that I've approached the idea (with no real results and coming out just as confused as I went in) was to consider that perhaps the one constant of reality is energy. Energy in it's purest form...perhaps light...perhaps something else. Energy at an accelerated, heightened speed and energy slowed down. Then there's all that energy in-between. Everything is in transition...everything is in motion.

The keyboard that you type on...that is energy, no? Is it energy in a slowed down form? If we dumped gas onto it and ignited it don't we release that energy (and destroy your typing implement)?

When we step outside and take a deep breath of air. Isn't that energy? It certainly aids in propelling us forward and keeping the blood moving.

So as conscious beings...or what have you, we are energy in a transitional state. Our individual consciousness is held by this biological bag of bone, guts, and water; from birth till death of this physical form. We all have needs to consume energy in order to maintain our physical being.

Still following? Feel like you're being led into a shaggy dog story?

Some reference was made by another poster in the thread to 'frequencies'. I'd venture that we all, in order to communicate, operate on some general wavelength...some point in this energy ocean of motion where our biological and individual signals are attuned to some with a finer degree...others with a wide variance. Perhaps this 'tuning' is set by those things greater than us...perhaps by the rotation of the planet...the orbit of our moon around this planet...our orbit around Sol and so on in relation to every other body within the solar system.

So entertaining the idea that our biological system of energy as individuals and as a living whole is governed in part by our planet, etc. (as below, so above...refer to the link provided)

We perhaps share some commonality within this energy system. Energy simply doesn't disappear, it transitions into something goes somewhere else.

When one speaks of the 'collective mind' and 'dissident groups' of society I don't disagree with the concept that there seems to be more than one mind at work. I do ask, though, that for all you thinkers and typers out there, all you tool heads and hand-jobbers, don't you find conflict within your own mind when making decisions? Do you look at the pile of filth and flies that is your wardrobe and say, "Should I wear the grease stained blue-jeans? Naw, maybe the brown corduroy carpenter pants..."

I'd find it hard to believe that any one of us thinks with sure pure thought that we don't battle ourselves..much like society and it's conglomeration of dissident factions...

Using countries and nationalism as an example (I give poor examples so excuse me) being from the US, we have our regions, much like any other country. Each region to some degree carries pride in their identity. Those from Alaska refer to the rest of the US as the 'lower 48ths'...sometimes with a bit of haughtiness. Each region or nation seems to have their preferred opinions. None of them necessarily being 'right' or 'wrong'. Regardless, those opinions exist and, over time, may change. I'm sure you get the idea.

Being 'one mind', to me, doesn't necessarily mean that everything is in complete harmonious agreement. During the uproar of recent world events, individual opinions and feelings were felt on combined level: marching on the streets and amplified by the media. Regardless of whether you were for or against the happenings, your feelings coincided to some degree and with some variance with like minds (yes, even you apathetic ones).

The struggle of humanity, as is our internal struggles (mental, relational, spiritual...whatever) is to come to agreement with itself as a whole, to fine-tune the frequency into a tight hum, concentrated and driven into the future and whatever it might hold. As we're all aware, this struggle doesn't often meet with success in the smaller cycles. Sometimes the cancer or AIDS patient succumbs to their disease and dies regardless of every effort to heal. Sometimes the schizophrenic gives way to the voices and in despair overdoses on prescription pills.

When Metalanarchist states to paraflux...
Anyway, MY goal is not to "leave this plane." My goal is to make life for myself and other people as good as possible on THIS plane."
I find myself nodding in agreement. Some part of me is convinced that in order for humanity to progress we must first attend to what we have on our plates...we must help each other to better themselves, to bring them up...perhaps you could say to help them 'tune-in' to that driving frequency. Once we as a whole can do this, then maybe we can progress to the next that 46& Christ consciousness or whatever the heck it is that makes your azz squirm in your chair and curl your toes.

That "one-mind" is your mind, each and every individual's mind. When we set forth with the attitude to help ourselves (and not have it handed to you) and to help others to learn how to help themselves, we are quieting the disharmonic voices in our own minds, we are bringing it back to that 'still-point'.

Again, I have no proof that there is 'all one mind' but I have some strong gut feelings, some imparted by drugs, some by experience, some through irrationality, that there might be.

Much like it's not Tool's job to set down irrefutable proof of what they convey (to each and every fan that might expect it), no one else can do the same for the whole. Proof only has meaning to yourself.

And you will come to find...
It's all a journey...some of us come to familiar crossroads before others do, perhaps some have forgotten that they've already been there. That doesn't make us any better or worse than the next person treading the path.

Thanks for reading all shaggy dog...nothing to see here...move along...move along....

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