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Old 05-07-2003, 11:20 AM   #21
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Re: We are all one mind

Originally posted by Metalanarchist
It seems to me we all have our own separate consciousness — so if you were to die, it would not simply be the loss of one piece of a larger consciousness, but the loss of a special consciousness — the loss of your unique, irreplacable perspective. Anyone care to elaborate for or against either side of the debate?
I have a bad tendency to stradle the fence so I wouldn't be any help in contributing for or against such a proposed debate. So, for the time being, I'll just occupy a few one's and zero's on some hard drive. Even though those one's and zeroes aren't really 'me' and my 'consciousness' my ramblings will remain at least until that part of the hard drive is erased.

Of course, there's more of a chance that someone will come along and read this post before such an event occurs. At that point, at that crossroad, this inane ramble of mine and the point(less) thoughts will be imparted to many other people out there. Those binaries digits will stir some chemical reaction in some biological brainpan somewhere and spur an inkling of a thought and perhaps that thought will lead to another thought related or unrelated to the 'one mind' concept.

Perhaps the person that reads this post will take that related/unrelated thought and produce some sort of epiphany...perhaps they will simply chew on the inner lining of their cheek and tongue out some tucked away morsel held dearly by a molar.

Maybe that person will get up from their computer and talk to someone. Maybe kiss their kid...maybe kill a kid...

In any event this one post will directly or indirectly lead to another moment in the reader's life and so on until tomorrow and the days after.

Let's say after this post my physical body dies. My special consciousness and the 31 years of it's development or degradation is gone. The physical form that shit and pissed and ate and rambled could no longer maintain the functions necessary to keep the grey matter moist and sparking.

Those who've read this post now carry with them some form, some feeling, some reaction to the content. It is now perpetuated through your lives and in turn through the lives of others that you come into contact with. It might not be what I intended...completely misconstrued...but it perpetuates and has been perpetuated by that which came before us.

This motion...this a whole, I would consider 'one mind'. Even if that one 'special consciousness' is lost, it undoubtebly imparts some impression, some refelection, of its existence to those around it. In a sense, it isn't completely lost, it lives on.

Couldn't we all say that our upbringings and our pasts have molded us, our thoughts and beliefs, into what they are today? Our surroundings and the people that we associated with in our past, in some way, has helped us to develop ourselves. In turn, whether we know it or not, we perform this same function for those around us. The resulting 'memory, perhaps, is our one mind consciousness. It has always been there but as a whole, goes unnoticed. We spend too much time enmeshed in step back and look at it as a whole.

Toussling the myopic battles of our egos, living that friction of 'life', is rather engrossing. Sometimes it's refreshing to know that someone in all that cacophony will look up from their dreary tug-of-war to see where they...where we...are going in this whole mess. Maybe to have them say, "Hey...I think we're all about to run off the edge of a clif........"

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