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Old 07-16-2012, 06:48 AM   #144
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Re: aenima- problem 8

the other thing about lateralus is the total duration of the album is 78.51

Crowley, being the Qabalist that he was, labored to discover Aiwass's number within the system of gematria. Initially he believed that it was 78: "I had decided on AIVAS = 78, the number of Mezla, the influence from the highest unity, and therefore suitable enough as the title of a messenger from Him." [12] After receiving a letter from a stranger, the typographer Samuel A. Jacobs, whose Hebrew name was SHMUEL Bar AIWAZ bie YACKOU de SHERABAD, Crowley asked the Hebrew spelling of AIWAZ; to Crowley's astonishment and delight it was OIVZ, which equated to 93, the number of Thelema itself. Crowley remained perplexed, though, since the spelling of the name in AL was "Aiwass" not "AIVAS", which does not add up to 93. However, when Crowley decided to use the Greek Qabalah, he discovered that ...
"...its value is 418! and this is the number of the Magical Formula of the Aeon. It represents the practice of the Book as 93 does the theory. It is now evident with what inconceivable ingenuity AIWAZ has arranged his expression. He is not content to give one spelling of his name, however potent; he gives two which taken together are not merely twice as significant as either alone, but more so, in a degree which is beyond me to calculate." [12]
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