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Old 10-17-2010, 11:16 AM   #16
On Probation
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Re: New Lateralus Info...

Originally Posted by sharketti View Post
Remember the Fibonacci Spiral thing with Lateralus?
The numbers go 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,e tc...

I've spent the last month listening to just this song, and here are more numeral-"coincidences" in the song.

•The intro to the song is 1 minute and 12 seconds long, or, 01:12, the first 4 numbers.
•The tempo of the intro is 112 bpm.
•The intro, counted in the common 4/4 time signature, is 34 measures long, the 10th Fibonacci number!
•Maynard begins singing exactly at 1:37 into the song. 1 minute 37 seconds, or 97 seconds, is approximately 1.618% a full minute. This happens to be exactly the Golden Ratio!!
•When the 1st verse begins, the tempo jumps to average about 181 bpm. (I say average because it varies slightly through out the song, indicating the band did not use a metronome). Interestingly, the jump from 112 to 181 is the Golden Ratio!
•The riff played here is 3 sections of a repeating 9/8, 8/8, 7/8 pattern. A musician counting this in his head would count the measures as 9,8,7, 9,8,7, 9,8,7 etc... 987 is the sixteenth number in the Fibonacci sequence!!
•The basic structure of Lateralus’ verse is a 5/8 time signature repeating in sections of 8 bars each.
•The first verse is 55 seconds long.
•Also, a guitar or bass player playing through the chorus would see only these numbers in the tablature: 0, 3, 5, 8, 10 (or 1,0; also 2+3+5), and 12 (or 1,2; also 1+1+2+3+5)
•1st chorus kicks in just a half second shy of 2:33
•The breakdown at 4:47 is a 4/4 section that repeats for 54 measures, beginning a new section at measure 55.
•Maynard begins singing “Swing on the spiral” right at 6:10
•The final segment beginning at 7:21 is a slowed down 6/4 time, extended for 13 measures. Interestingly, it SHOULD be 14 measures, but the 14th measure switches comfortably but abruptly to 4/4 again, thus it does not fit into the 6/4 time.
I found that the track preceding Lateralus (in the "Holy Gift" order) is 1 min 12 seconds long, or 01:12. Remember Lateralus’ intro is 01:12. I believe they can be overdubbed perfectly!
The album, 13 tracks, is 1.3 hours in length.)

Out of all this stuff I can't believe you couldn't figure out the only number combination of this entire song that has any relevance whatsoever.
1:37 the end of the beginning
7:31 the beginning of the end
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