Thread: Black and White
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:19 PM   #40
Level 7 - Loquacious
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Re: Black and White

The truth of our prejudice could be the lie of another prejudice. Opinion is based on prejudice therefore two opposing viewpoints will never converge at the same point within the same idea. An opinion is shaped based from the way someone perceives certain information. However, the lens in which we look through to see the world is the way that we interpret information.

Think of it like this. If you have a coke can on the table and you have a group of people sitting around it everyone can see a different part of the coke can, this is their interpretation of what the coke can is. However, since no one can see the entire coke can they have an incomplete understanding of the can as a whole. It's important to try to understand someone elses frame of reference because you can use their interpretation to build a model of their context. You can also begin to see more of the can. We all lock ourselves into our perception and defend it to the death... that seems to be ego driven to me. Everyone throws around the idea of "think for yourself" but no one is internalizing the idea. Quit thinking for yourself with only a small piece of the big picture, find the obvious logic or the obvious flaw in someone elses perception and then attack the flaw NOT THE INDIVIDUAL. Give them an alternative context, don't force your opinion on them as superior! That's forcing your context, and its the same thing that so many spend every waking moment of their lives bitching about. No one wants someone telling them how they're wrong or how they should see things. Opposition can be used as a constructive tool, but few are using it correctly.

Last edited by Visceral Primate; 02-02-2010 at 01:08 PM..
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