Thread: Abuse
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Old 11-23-2002, 11:48 AM   #1
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The video is about physical/sexual abuse... (more sexual I believe)

The tell, thin...intimidating figure in the video is the abuser... and the other character is obviously the person being abused.

The legs.... the abuser takes away the legs... so the "child" can't get away from the abuse. You notice that when the "child" is with the "parent" in one instance of the video, the legs start "running" even though they're not attached to the child's body.... the frantic movement of the legs that are hanging on the wall in the "parent's" room represents the terror going through the mind of the child when with the parent.

The page being ripped out of the book... is like the saying... "he took a page out of the book" of so n so...
The parent (tall, black, intimidating figure) rips the page out of the book... suggesting to the viewer that this abuse is a learned "behavior." He's merely taking a page out of the book out of what's already been done to him.
Abuse is cyclical.

The eyes rolling back in the child is what gets to me the most... the child knows the abuse is ready to occur again... and his fear is overwhelming... to the point where he'd just rather give in to the parent, than resist.

I think the bee is arbitrary... it could be any thing in the jar. Any thing alive.
That part of the video is just a metaphor of how powerful manipulation/abuse can be....
It shows the bee in the jar... assume the bee represents the child in the video. After a period of this abuse and mental dominance/manipulation.... the abuser OWNS the bee/child.
The parent has such control (post-abuse) over the bee/child that it can simply toy with it ... passing the bee from finger to finger... and the bee won't fly away due to this manipulation and fear.
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