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Old 01-21-2003, 07:56 PM   #30
Level 4 - Thinker
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this song affects me in a very odd way. it strengthens the hate that i have for those i.. well, hate. this is actually not destructive or affecting my life in any "negative" way. let me tell you why i am affected this way. the line talking about transmutation really got me thinking. what if forgiveness is not the only option for "healing" and letting go. what if all it took was an alteration in how you perceived the grudge.

you have to keep in mind that gold is just about as heavy as lead. it's just "higher" in alchemy speak. to transmutate a grudge would be to remove any impurities from it. to understand why you really hated that person. a grudge has a bunch of little things that automatically go along with it. you get upset about things the person does. what they say/wear/do. all of these things detract from the real reason why you hate them. the scream is very important here because it's primal and intense. for maynard it might've been a letting go scream but for me it's a letting go of all the petty things and really really hating THE PERSON- which really isn't as bad for me as one might think.
I opened my third nostril when i smelled a huge container filled with boiling hazelnut coffee. thanks chris.
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