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The Dharma Bum
05-12-2006, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by aperfectnineinchtool
Yes the Bible was written by man, but inspired by God... Moses wrote the first five books in the Bible, which includes the account of creation and everything after. Although Moses was a decendant of Abraham, he was raised an Egyptian... so he didn't have the priviledge of having the stories of his fathers to help him write Genesis, he was moved by God's spirit (The Holy Spirit, not an entity unto itself, but God's active force) to write that book. Those who put the Bible together didn't take votes and didn't "silence the voices of other Christians". Many men who studied all these scrolls very carefully sat in a room discussing the matter of "continuity". They had God's spirit guiding them and they all agreed that if this was to be THE word of God there would have to be a perfect union of scripture; that there would be no contradiction. The books including the Jewish Apocrypha has been left out of the Bible because it either contradicts where other books agree or has little substance or importance such as the Macabees. Every word in the Bible has importance and there is unfettered harmony within its text. We are born of sin, because of Adam's fall, and our "human hearts" currently only desire for something we can attain separate from our creator. We don't have the answers within us, and that is the issue that you are all missing. Can we as humans do it better than our creator? What have we become in 6000 + years? Think about it. And don't be a douche.
Moses did not write the first 5 books of the bible, they were written down long after he died. Continuity? Have you read the bible? Tell me where the continuity of the 4 Gospels is. Each of them give four different accounts of the Life, Death, and Ressurection of Christ, with plenty of contradiction. If every word of the bible is gospel, then why do christians pick and choose which passages to follow? Should they not follow every word? Shall I start quoting scripture?

Last edited by The Dharma Bum; 05-12-2006 at 08:45 PM..
Old 05-12-2006, 08:42 PM   #71
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Re: From Maynards Own Mouth

Originally Posted by aperfectnineinchtool
Yes the Bible was written by man, but inspired by God... Moses wrote the first five books in the Bible, which includes the account of creation and everything after. Although Moses was a decendant of Abraham, he was raised an Egyptian... so he didn't have the priviledge of having the stories of his fathers to help him write Genesis, he was moved by God's spirit (The Holy Spirit, not an entity unto itself, but God's active force) to write that book. Those who put the Bible together didn't take votes and didn't "silence the voices of other Christians". Many men who studied all these scrolls very carefully sat in a room discussing the matter of "continuity". They had God's spirit guiding them and they all agreed that if this was to be THE word of God there would have to be a perfect union of scripture; that there would be no contradiction. The books including the Jewish Apocrypha has been left out of the Bible because it either contradicts where other books agree or has little substance or importance such as the Macabees. Every word in the Bible has importance and there is unfettered harmony within its text. We are born of sin, because of Adam's fall, and our "human hearts" currently only desire for something we can attain separate from our creator. We don't have the answers within us, and that is the issue that you are all missing. Can we as humans do it better than our creator? What have we become in 6000 + years? Think about it. And don't be a douche.
Moses did not write the first 5 books of the bible, they were written down long after he died. Continuity? Have you read the bible? Tell me where the continuity of the 4 Gospels is. Each of them give four different accounts of the Life, Death, and Ressurection of Christ, with plenty of contradiction. If every word of the bible is gospel, then why do christians pick and choose which passages to follow? Should they not follow every word? Shall I start quoting scripture?

Last edited by The Dharma Bum; 05-12-2006 at 08:45 PM..
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