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Old 01-31-2007, 05:04 AM   #13
Level 1 - Lurker
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Location: Melbourne
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Re: 2007/01/31 - Melbourne, AUS - Sidney Myer Music Bowl

Nothing really tops getting to see one of your favourite bands twice in one week (along with your favourite song too). Overall it was a great show, the sound quality was surprisingly good given the venue. My only gripe is that the general admission area was bad for anyone who isn't 7'11 but you can't win it all.

The guy who climbed up during 10,000 days was a moron who was either going to:

1) Fuck around and ruin a pretty powerful song at the height of the set by being an attention whore.
2) Same as above but they stop the set until he comes down.
3) He falls, dies and they stop the whole concert.

Thankfully it's likely the security guards who nabbed him gave him a few 'pats on the back' and threw him in the divvy van. Bloody moron.

Rant is now over.

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