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Old 08-06-2006, 01:43 AM   #4
Level 4 - Thinker
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Re: 2006/08/05 - San Diego, CA - Street Scene '06

The pushing was out of control. I too was near the front and it was real bad. Some people fell and others got pushed on top of them. Then other people were going up to crowd surf to escape but they'd end up falling into the pit of people on the ground making the situation worse. At one point I was on the ground with people under me and I had to be helped up. I lost both of my shoes. (but found them at the end.) If Maynard hadn't said something when he did the situation would have gotten extremely ugly. I would be surprised if no one got seriously hurt as it is.

Once that was over, though, it was Tool as usual, incredible. Wish the pushing situation didn't have to happen, though. Disappointing SD. =\
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