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Old 01-05-2007, 02:05 PM   #12
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Re: A Different Take on this Song...

Originally Posted by fretforyourfigure462 View Post
I always thought it was, but it makes the most sense....and it's pretty simple.. can't make the most sense if it is total nonsesnse, can it? The idea is neither simple nor sensible. My posts above elaborate upon how the chromosomal theory is nothing more than the metaphysical meanderings of one Drunvalo Melchizadek. There's no scientific support or biological evidence for this idea. It's just a concept dreamed up by some guy. I don't know what his intentions were for promoting such an idea, but they are clearly not rooted in reality. Go to his website and read it if you don't believe me. The guy has LOTS of far-out theories.

Humans are not going to evolve two extra chromosomes. On the rare occasions when mutations such as extra chromosomes do pop up, they are almost always lethal or devastatingly maladaptive in nature.

We already have humans with extra chromosomes, but the extras yield uniformly maladaptive traits, such as Down Syndorme and hermaphrodism (more correctly called intersexuality).

It's a cool idea, I'll grant you that. But does it make sense? Hardly. Pardon me if I search for meanings to the song other than this one. I might be way off with my theory, but I can almost guarantee the chromosomal idea is further off. My biggest objection all along has been the almost uniform acceptance of this one idea, when it was never presented as anything more than one of a large number of possible explainations. There seems to be a level of group-think going on there, and I just wanted to point that out.

When one person suffers from delusions, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from delusions, it is called religion.--Robert M. Pirsig
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