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Old 06-08-2006, 08:39 AM   #13
Level 1 - Lurker
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Hamburg, Germany
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Re: 2006/06/06 - Hamburg, GER - Sporthalle

Sorry, if my post might be a bit negative. But it still doesn't feel like I was at a Tool-concert two days back. Puzzled. Baffled. Not amused. Hope the follow-up tour, in case there is one, will turn out to offer concerts more worthwhile.

First of all, I think it’s a bummer that there was no support band, because in the past most of the time Tool’s support bands were high quality and I love finding new music.
I think it would have been nice, appreciative & courteous if they played longer.
I wish they would let real encores happen. That’d be appreciative & courteous as well.
After they’re done (playing), I wish they wouldn’t instantaneously turn on the sterile-now-leave-us-alone-will-ya-ceiling lights and cd-player.
I think, it’s always nice if setlists change and develope. It’s just more natural and vivid. Unfortunately Tool’s setlist is almost static. It’s just not much fun for the audience, when they know exactly what’ll happen and that , basically, the audience’s response is completely irrelevant. No –potentially- fruitful feedback effects possible. Sad. Limiting.
I wish the concert would be filled with more interaction and joyous celebration. It’s more fun. Interaction and celebration in a way standing for a “Thank you, fans, for supporting and following us through all the years and making our art and way of life possible.”
I wish they wouldn’t play venues that are so well-known for their crappiest acoustics on earth and watching-TV-/refugee-camp-like-atmosphere. They played so darn well, but my ears wouldn’t stop bleeding! They played so darn well, but I couldn’t really follow, because they were so far away!

Sixth Tool Show in 12 years - and the best thing on tuesday was the beer!