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03-14-2012, 04:26 AM
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The asisco argument is definetely as wrong as the "my sister" argument.
I found out some things but the mods in this forum haven't approved my posting yet. Apparently they have to approve it because there is a link in my posting.

In the posting I came to this conclusion:
- The voice doesn't speak "asisco" (I'll post the disprove when I'm allowed to do so) but several sounds with vowels in it.
- The sequence said by the voice is repeated over the whole song but at very very different speeds and different pitch.
- At its normal speed the voice doesn't sound human. Especially the intonation is not how humans speak. It sounds like alien voice.
- Maybe the spoken sounds are Enochian?
Old 03-14-2012, 04:26 AM   #105
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Re: What the hidden message is really saying

The asisco argument is definetely as wrong as the "my sister" argument.
I found out some things but the mods in this forum haven't approved my posting yet. Apparently they have to approve it because there is a link in my posting.

In the posting I came to this conclusion:
- The voice doesn't speak "asisco" (I'll post the disprove when I'm allowed to do so) but several sounds with vowels in it.
- The sequence said by the voice is repeated over the whole song but at very very different speeds and different pitch.
- At its normal speed the voice doesn't sound human. Especially the intonation is not how humans speak. It sounds like alien voice.
- Maybe the spoken sounds are Enochian?
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