Level 2 - Poster
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Europe
Re: 2006/12/16 - Athens, GRC - Olympic Fencing Hall
1st tool show for me,here is a review:
first of all the security guys SUCKED.they thoroughly checked everyone and some people(actually near the half of them)missed mastodon.worst of all they poured water to anyone who took pictures with cameras.mastodon's sound was very bad and i found myself struggling to hear the guitars at times.they played surely these:
crystal skull
the wolf is loose
this mortal soil
capillarian crest
colony of birchmen
hearts alive
hearts alive sounded great and showed their potential in spite of the shitty sound
And then came tool.they kicked off with stinkfist an obvious crowd pleaser but you could hardly hear mjk.46&2 rocked,especially danny'solo.jambi sounds way better live and of course the highlight was adam's talkbox solo.really amazing!!!schism-another crowd pleaser-was performed great and maynard let the audience sing a part.lost keys was interesting whereas rosetta stoned propably the weakiest moment of the night.after the break,they started playing wings of marie/10000 days.that would be the most emotional part of the show.it's magical to experience it live and combined with the impressive visuals really feels great.lateralus was easily the best moment.it was never my favorite tool song but live it was something different plus the guest appearance of all mastodon members in an extended version.vicarious was another great moment an mjk let the crowd sing in the end.in the middle of the song they stopped playing and opened a bottle of red wine,made a toast and tasted it.a very personal moment indeed.they closed with aenema in a flawless performance.
maynard was in good spirits.he appeared with his orange jacket but after the first song he got rid of it.during vicarious he wore his gas mask too.
maynardisms:"introductions.justin chancellor,danny carey,maynard keenan,adam jones"."we have good news and bad news:the good news is that this is our first show in greece and last for the tour.the bad news is ...there is no bad news"."shut up"to the crowd shouting.During lateralus he let brent hinds from mastodon sing and he sat behind him doing devilhorns with his fingers.really funny.when lateralus finished and mastodon were leaving the stage he said:"mastodon.thanks.now get the fuck out".During the toast he raises his glass to the audience and said:"one for the homies/homos".finally before aenema he said something about the surprise of a kinder egg.
danny was in great shape and at times i couldn't stop looking at him.he wore a clippers jersey-i thought he was a lakers fan.justin was as always rocking out and adam stood still playing his guitar in his classic style.
all in all great concert,but the shitty venue ruined part of it.i hope next time i get to see them-in a good venue overboards-i'll be completely satisfied.
peace out