Thread: You should know
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Old 01-13-2004, 01:31 PM   #22
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Re: You should know

Personally, I still think it's "saturating me"... I've been trying to sing it like Maynard, and it comes out (To my ears) as sat your enemy.

Maybe it's because I know nothing of Freud yet, but you seemed to start off with the Super Ego trying to persuade the ID... and end up with the ID having persuaded the Super Ego; or more, I feel you've messed up which "voice" is saying which parts. How ever you explained it, it left me feeling slightly confused as to their roles.

You didn't explain where "sense your enemy" fitted in either; why would the Super Ego be telling the ID to "sense" its "enemy" when the Super Ego's "enemy" would be the ID? Unless it has suddenly switched from addressing the ID to talking to itself.

I'm not trying to annoy you, or destroy your post, I am meerly trying to clear things up.
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