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Old 07-30-2016, 09:14 PM   #8
Level 10 - Vehement
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Re: Satori - Glimpse of Truth

"who are you to wave (your muddy) finger + AT everything but (ego's) heart"?

when mjk writes of the 2nd person pronoun he's instilling or alluding t'wards a (false) sense of separation. disharmonic consciousness (44&2) = broken, severed, imbalanced, deaf, blind, dumb, born to follow, bound to cut it all right in TWO ...and considerately killing 46&2, "you" lying, cheating, thief ...wandering and stumbling. how can 46&2 (unity consciousness) tolerate 44&2 when "there's no love in fearrrr!"?

consider "he/him/his": "repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an eye to heaven, conscious of EGO's fleeting time here" "disconnect and self-destruct one bullet at a time. what's your hurry? everyONE will have EGO's day to die" "ego had a lot to say, ego had a lot of nothing to say, we'll miss ego" ...not hicks, cobain, jesus, blah blah blah...

the 2nd person pronoun suggests "both" or "two" or more (ya'll!). not one. NOT "until my two become one" (spice girls?). over-stimulated, over-speculating, over-thinking, over-analyzing, wallowing, ranting, raving, chattering, incessent, beligerant, desensitized, confused, insecure, delussional, judgmental, grudging, defining, controlling, confining... "leaded/fated" finger (of the mind!)... is pointed outward. whennnn... there is NO "outward", NO "outsider", NO spoon, NO "things" (so watch 'em die!), and NO phantom lines in the sand (the map is NOT the territory!). hence, TOOL. "threw you the obvious..."

see vicarious vid's "carbon destroyer" drawing a line
oh and stinkfist! ...with all this talk of fingers...

"you believed in moments
NONE could seeeeeee
...44&2 believed in 46&2"
(apparently nothing at all)
1-ZERO+1 -_-
i know, shit!
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