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Old 12-23-2006, 12:05 AM   #18
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Re: 2006/12/16 - Athens, GRC - Olympic Fencing Hall

Originally Posted by sdimitr View Post
Well said JudasChrist...Couldn't agree more...Although I doubt if every reader here will get your last comment..hahahaha..

It is true that you could see all kinds of people in there, which in a sense, is pretty cool..Goth-vamp chicks, metalheads, all kinds of rockers, teenagers and even some elderly(probably waiting for their sons/ daughters / grandchildren after the concert has ended).Of course there is nothing wrong with it..Sometimes it gets annoying though, because this kind of crowd diversity can cause serious misbehaviour problems, at least as seen by the rest..Anyway..

It's really hard to explain, how much different people came that night! I saw a family,50 smthg with its 3 children about 15,13,10!I recognize Alkinoos Ioannidis with his girtlfriend round, an actor (can't rememer him) from the old serial-sequel(xexe) LAMPSI by Foskolos, and somebody told me for someone else but i can't write his name 'cause I didn't see him, so do not bother him. I really believe that, the power of its concert and the whole story about this band is really really close to that, that Pink Floyd made just before 17 years ago!!! And just think about that the sound of this band isn't enough familiar even though to metal guys! It was a momentum and gorgeous night, so hard to forget any little moment of it! I will agree with a mate earlier that at the exit, I felt like it was the end of music ... Please, don't complain about they didn't perform songs from undertow or they played the more from 10000 days. I'm sure that if they play just one song only, I would have the same feelings!! Let's pray all of us to enjoy them again, and again in our country!!!
See you again filarakia...