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Old 06-25-2006, 10:47 PM   #75
Level 2 - Poster
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Re: 2006/06/24 - Katowice, POL - Spodek Arena

Originally Posted by Chuck_Of_Wah

Justin came out and that's when ALL HELL unleashed. 5000 people started pushing like crazy, I felt my ribcage was about to crack a couple of times, it was really dangerous. At one point, the bars started tipping over, at which point the security had to hold them up to keep them from tipping all the way. You've probably felt that at some concert where the venue was over-packed and every time people leaned up to one side, you wouldn't fall cuz people on the other side were like an elastic wall holding you up, and then that wall pushed back the other way. it's not even like moshing, it's worse, it was people pushing and shoving just for the fuck of getting to the front, it was pathetic, and I saw some guys having to LITERALLY brutally shove and punch people around them ON PURPOSE just to desperately pull their exhausted girlfriends/wives out of that hell-hole.

this was my biggest disappointment. before buying the tickets i tried to learn from people which place is the best. some recommended sitting sectors, some recommended standing sector..i thought that Tool is not a pogo band so i chose standing sector.this was a huge mistake. me and my husband managed to get out of this crazy crowd aroung 46&2 and we found a safe place at the back, a bit to the left - there was a good view and a lot of space and air so we could comfortably watch the show instead of trying to survive it...that's why i dont get this crazy-dance'n'jump'n'kick everyone attitude - i want to see the show not survive it.

so i learned my lesson and i'm buing the seats next time