Thread: Schism
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Old 07-30-2007, 08:31 AM   #10
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Re: Schism

Wow, that's an excellent post. Very well thought-out and covers most, if not all, of the symbols.

You've certainly gone to greater lengths to try and interpret this than I have. I haven't really given it too much thought, to be honest, but I always assumed that this video was about how 2 beings (for lack of a better word) appeared to be primitive in the way they treated each other, until they start communicating, and when they do so, they combine to create a magnificent creature which appears to be highly evolved.

Anyway, someone asked why the little men that pop out of the man's vein only have mouths and no eyes or ears.
I believe there could be 3 reasons for this:

1. Ears and eyes are input devices, to put it in geek-terms. They enable us to perceive and accept information, and basically to communicate to and fro. Mouth is basically an output device. It enables you to speak, providing a one-way communication path. Let it also be noted that even if you don't have a mouth, having ears and eyes gives you the ability to accept new ideas and develop, grow or evolve mentally or spiritually.

2. A mouth also represents greed. You can eat and eat and eat and consume some more with your mouth. Of course, all you can consume is material stuff, and nothing that helps your mind grow.

3. As soon as the little man forms, his mouth starts "chattering". I suppose this can be attributed by his desire to bite, harm or latch on something. This, I suppose, could be the main reason for the existence of the mouth.
tidruG - has nothing to do with drugs... at all.
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