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Old 08-28-2006, 04:58 PM   #18
Level 4 - Thinker
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Re: 2006/08/27 - George, WA - Gorge Amphitheatre

amazing, beautiful, stunning, breathtaking, humbling, just an awesome experience.

I kept looking around at the show thinking to myself these are my people, my brothers. It was nice to feel this way again, just at ease with myself and excited for the show. How could you not be just amazed and humbled being in the setting we were in, the view itself was breathtaking, the weather was perfect, the atmosphere was overwhelming. This was my first experience at the Gorge and I couldn't have asked for a better first. Isis did an amazing set, a wonderful opening act for TOOL. They just amplified the feeling of gratitude by like a billion. They gave it all up and kept on going in thier sweaty mess. You definatly don't want to miss them.

Watching the sunset as our backdrop to tool, having a cloudless night sky, the stars in our eyes and tool in our ears. For the most of the show I hadn't even noticed anyone else was at the show except for Danny, Adam, Justin, Maynard and me. Every note was played to the movements of my body, and every word was sang straight to me. I was on a totally different planet in another galaxy where music and love rule. and when I finally did open my eyes to the stars and slowly turned to look around me I was in a sea of lighters. I could feel the music in my bones. It was just... moving... perfect. Once the show was over and my feet finally dropped me at our tent I laid there smilling up at the stars. It was beyond any experience I've ever had. Drug induced or sexual. In the distance my ears found the sound of drumming and though my body was too tired to think about moving my soul danced in the shadows while I slept.

This morning in the Gorge I woke up new. I am thankful, I am loving, I am inspired, I am reminded just how precious each moment is. How important it is to just trust yourself and how free you feel when you finally just let go. Spiral Out. <3

and to every member of the TOOL/Isis family... Thank You.

Last edited by pryingopenmybrowneye; 08-28-2006 at 05:12 PM..